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Deliver the Win With Digitally Enhanced Political Mail Campaigns

Posted Dec 26, 2023 | Views 284
# Education
# Omnichannel Marketing
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# Political Mail
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# Direct Mail
# Political Campaigns
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Direct mail delivers results for political campaigns. Looking to improve the effectiveness? Get political campaigns seen by everyone, everywhere, in the mailbox and in 11 digital technology channels. Turn one direct mail piece into 8-16 impressions with a voter!

Learn how to harness the power of direct mail digital integration to raise awareness and win the vote with Political Power Up campaigns and TargetMatch technology with Addressable Geo.

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welcome everybody to our webinar uh my name is Morgan Giorgio I am the senior 0:05 vice president sales and marketing for Direct Mail 2.0 a little bit about Direct Mail 2.0 are our sole purpose and 0:12 goal is to make Direct Mail the most effective form of marketing by integrating it with Cutting Edge technology we do have a 14 technology 0:19 platform that integrates into direct mail to add value in a couple of different ways one to seamlessly track 0:25 the mail show attribution provide reporting but most importantly we layer on an omni Channel marketing strategy so 0:31 that we can lift the responsive mail over just a traditional ink on paper method today we're going to talk about a 0:39 very specific marketing product that we have called a political power up so just 0:44 for the political mail space and I'm very excited to have a special guest with us today his name is Jim Richard 0:50 and he is the national lead political meal strategist from the United States Postal Service and he is going to be 0:56 giving us a lot of knowledge and insight on the whole Foundation of it all and that's just how we can strategically put 1:03 together effective political mail campaigns and talk about a lot of the resources that he has to offer and that 1:10 he can provide anybody that's in this space Jim if you want to go ahead and just give us a quick intro 1:17 thank you Morgan so I love political mail and certainly I don't know about you but political seems to be all year 1:24 long now so everywhere where you look you're constantly hearing something that's politically politically charged 1:30 or people want to speak to it so um this is going to be a great year and already 1:35 has been for political mail so I look forward to this call yeah I mean you were saying that in the midterms your 1:41 mail volume was up exponentially over the last election right 1:47 yeah so yep well I am excited uh anybody uh what 1:53 we're going to do is we're going to try to get through all of our content so if anyone has any questions as we're going through please just go ahead pop them 1:59 into the chat and when we get through all of our content the end we'll have a q a okay so let's go ahead and get into 2:06 it Jim is going to kick us off and then from there um we'll get into some of best practices 2:12 and strategic marketing strategy for political mail campaigns 2:17 so um what we're looking at here is actually a study from the state of 2:23 direct mail by law so it was a great one that came out and we're going to appreciate that you talked about the 2:28 multi-channel or the Omni Channel approach because even though we're going to be specializing or focusing on political mail today there is no way 2:35 that I would say um mail only the more ways you can reach 2:41 constituents or voters the better I mean because we're all folks that like to be marketed and communicate with different 2:47 channels and in their study they showed that 66 percent 2:52 um of companies that were advertising with multiple channels had a 60 66 2:58 percent higher return and Direct Mail yielded as 74 highest Roi when using those in a 3:07 campaign and you improve your um Channel performance 84 of the time 3:13 when you're combining mail into that media mix so political mail is a good opportunity to exponentially 3:20 get better results in your campaign so we can go to our next one 3:26 so you talked about the the growth in political mail you can see as we were 3:31 looking at the midterm elections which had recently passed we saw 44 increase 3:37 in our political mail Revenue so that was great for us um we really enjoyed that and it really 3:44 showed that uh political marketers saw the value of mail and you could see our volume increased as well almost 3.9 3:51 billion pieces we are trending that way as well now as we're moving into the course presidential season 3:58 so next slide so what I love about political mail is 4:04 throughout the voter Journey there is a lot of different places that political mail can fit so everywhere from trying 4:11 to make your um potential voters aware that you're running to get that interest all the way to getting them out to vote 4:18 and then amplifying your message by having folks share you know messages with like-minded voters they may think 4:26 could swing the election so some examples of that are on the next slide where if we take the awareness and 4:34 interest stage so from our growing impact of direct mail that was our white paper study done in 2023 4:42 um when you're considering creative what we notice is 4:47 it's an opportunity to use mail to really introduce who you are which part 4:53 of you may be affiliated with and you could use things like QR codes 4:58 um to connect that messaging to some of your digital channels um you know so like your party 5:04 affiliation some of your quick bios those kind of things are important in the early stages of communicating who 5:11 you are you'll see on this nail piece right here one of the things we also suggest is if you're going to use a QR 5:18 code and here's a trivia question most people don't understand what QR means it 5:24 actually stands for quick response so if you want a quick response from the folks you're sending this to use a QR code so 5:31 try not to put it on the address side because it potentially could cost some processing issues so here's a great 5:37 example of Win For America it's just a quick here I am um and these are the things you want to 5:43 think about me as you move further in the voters Journey they want to become 5:48 like educated and they need to start evaluating who the different candidates are they 5:54 may be considering so on the next slide is how a male piece might look where you talk about some of those issues that you 6:03 as a candidate or if you're a political action committee those type things what it is you are promoting or trying to get 6:10 the message out you know here's an example of a candidate who's going after you know better schools and communities 6:16 who doesn't want that you know certainly a lot of hot button issues about you know parental rights in schools 6:23 political Hot Topics I'm not going to go there but if you're a candidate that stands one side or the other talk to 6:30 them tell them what you care about and from a creative perspective you want to include imagery or personalization 6:37 things that look like the person that you're sending it to so for instance in 6:43 this example Jane Doe she cares about the school so the image down on the bottom right where it's elect Jane Doe 6:50 um has parents parents that would be concerned about those type things if this were a piece and maybe it was 6:56 Hispanic related issues great use imagery use things that favor Hispanics 7:02 as well as you know male female different age groups which we'll get 7:07 into later in some of the demographics but again great opportunity to start 7:13 showing your messaging in ways that resonate with your voters and then the 7:18 last example is hey I can educate them all day long and let them know I exist but if I can't get them to The Ballot 7:24 Box which would be the get out the vote strategy on the next slide 7:31 um you got to tell me when to vote how to vote what does it look like I have not voted on Election Day in probably 11 7:39 years now I am an early voter so whenever I get mail pieces during that 7:47 window of early voting just before it that goes on my refrigerator I've got one that you know I'll keep by the 7:54 dinner table to remind me you better schedule this you need to get out there for early voting so I really appreciate 7:59 mail being a part of that mix as a matter of fact you can see post-election research shows that Direct Mail was the 8:05 favored format for that type information again if it's going to be vote by mail those type things voters really 8:12 appreciate some form of instruction on how to do it properly when to send it how to order it all that good stuff so 8:20 political mail can be a great piece to add to that mix 8:25 so if we go on to the next slide you know yes about what kind of 8:30 Elections do we work on um you know myself and other we'll call it political male strategist with the 8:37 Postal Service you know we kind of advise we guide we suggest things and we work at all levels from the federal 8:43 state to the local level um for me I've never seen more engagement 8:49 at the local level than I ever have been I know and uh for example in 8:55 2022 my local school board election eight weeks before election day I had 9:01 received 10 mail pieces from just one school board candidate which is crazy 9:07 but by 2023 I had received 21 from that same candidate so mail pays off and it's 9:15 just amazing that at the local level politics are so front and center now I mean I don't know 9:23 about you but everyone I have around me in my neighborhood in my local community they care about local matters so not 9:31 only obviously is a presidential election so important but even at the local level the elections matter so 9:41 real quick Jim did you happen to see any other type of advertising for that 9:46 candidate that you received the 21 mail pieces for and did you receive any mail 9:51 for the opposing political candidates so good question I saw yard signs 9:58 um I did get a few um emails and out of the 21 pieces 18 were from that local candidate and three 10:05 were from what I would consider the competition so it was it was interesting and I mean I laid them out and not just 10:11 not just because I'm in political mail but it mattered to me so I would compare where their stances were were they being 10:18 vague or were they you know being delivered on where they stand so 10:24 um it was interesting in that regards sure 10:31 and on the next slide so we talked about what we work on who 10:36 can we help so we can actually work with the candidates and the campaigns as you do as well you know in my local election 10:43 there were outside spending groups um you know I would look on the mail 10:48 piece and I would see a political action committee hundreds of miles away from my 10:54 local school board election I'm like that is crazy but we can work with outside spinning groups because some of 11:00 them have interest in those type of elections of course our political action committees and valid initiatives seems 11:06 like every election there is some ballot initiative that is out there and 11:12 political mail is a great way to position you know where you would like to see some of those ballot initiatives 11:18 go absolutely and our next slide 11:25 so we threw some statistics at you but one great place that we've captured it all 11:30 because even you know you'll be sharing some of these stats from different studies that we've done is our 11:36 deliverthewin.com website and this is a website that we set up so that anything 11:45 political mail related any studies that we've done any thoughts or content 11:50 um like this one right here is one of our recent ones maybe still so you can 11:55 see it so it's the um what we call the campaign handbook and what this one does 12:01 is like for example um voter mindsets so we have different 12:08 stats and things that relate to different types of Voters those that maybe wait till later in the cycle to 12:15 vote the early voters the issue voters um you know again the demographic those things that make a difference so this 12:21 campaign handbook is going to give you some great examples of how you could use mail at various places in the campaign 12:28 in addition to some of those Direct Mail samples that we looked at there are 12:34 other great examples in there as well that you could utilize so you'll definitely want to visit the deliverthewin.com website and that 12:41 physical book that I just showed you is front and center on the main page so if 12:47 you would like to get a physical copy of that be sure to go on our website and order it we'll have it sent to you and 12:52 if you want to reach out to someone like myself or my counterparts we would be glad to assist you in that political 12:58 mail conversation yeah there's I think on our next slide 13:04 oh I didn't was there something else you're gonna go too well I I I actually just 13:11 just like that Jim sent that book over to me was it yesterday and I was like 13:16 wow it was like chock full of so much valuable content just from you know 13:22 Inception to strategic initiatives just I mean it has everything you need and 13:27 when you go right on the deliver the win website it's the very first resource that's at the top and it's brand new it 13:33 wasn't up there like a couple weeks ago when I was just uh looking for it and then they've got tons of additional white paper collateral 13:40 um and then if you need any assistance on how to implement that you know with a client or within a political mail 13:48 campaign then Jim and his team uh are readily available and now Jim your team just so they understand no they're uh 13:56 they work with people depending upon different regions is that the way that it works or 14:04 actually um we actually now have I'll say political mail Folks at every District 14:09 in the postal service so we can reach everybody okay fantastic you guys are 14:16 really upping your game over there that's good I like it yes we are all right so and if they wanted to get in 14:22 contact with somebody the best way to do that is just directly through you or uh on the deliver the win website 14:30 yeah either or and I know at the end of the presentation my contact email is there so if you want to reach out to me 14:35 directly I can certainly connect connect you with the appropriate folks all right 14:41 fantastic Jim thanks so much I really appreciate it stick around and know that we're going to have uh probably 14:46 questions at the end so um now uh that was a really fantastic 14:51 foundation that Jim laid out for us there and he has so much insight to tap 14:57 into so anybody interested in breaking into this space or expanding upon their 15:02 existing political meal revenue or that's looking to improve their strategy with their clients him and his team are 15:08 a phenomenal resource for you guys to tap into it's something that's readily available there so take advantage of it 15:14 you know now what I want to get into really is all of the opportunity that is out there and available to anybody that 15:21 is in the print or mail space or in the marketing space industry experts are projecting that the 2024 political ad 15:28 spend will hit about 10.2 billion in dollars which is about a 13 increase 15:33 over the nine billion that was spent in 2020 and you can see from the statistical data that Jim was showing 15:40 that a large portion of this increase in spend is being attributed to mail and that's because of the efficacy in mail 15:47 and it's ever more important though that we are employing the right strategic 15:52 initiatives in terms of our marketing campaigns in the political space because the struggle for voter attention is real 16:00 guys the spending is increasing dramatically but it is the the performance in some of these uh 16:07 different marketing ecosystems or through some of these challenges uh channels unfortunately is decreasing so 16:13 it's ever more important that we are employing the appropriate marketing strategy that is going to yield the best 16:19 results and we want to always be adding more value for our customers so what maybe was working you know a couple of 16:26 years ago for your political meal clients may not be as effective today okay and that goes for their mail 16:32 strategy that goes for their digital strategy and what I want to talk about today is utilizing something that's 16:37 really the best of both worlds or the perfect marriage between offline and online that we know is going to drive 16:43 very high results not only in the political mail space but if you're using the direct mail marketing channel in 16:49 general but it all really starts with the power of mail now when I talk about 16:55 an omnichannel marketing campaign one of the reasons why omnichannel marketing campaigns through Direct Mail 2.0 were 17:01 so effective is because we are harnessing the power that is driven by direct mail now 17:08 why is direct mail so important in the political mail space well um unfortunately politicians don't have 17:15 a very strong reputation for being extremely trustworthy unfortunately it's just not something that they're just not 17:23 really perceived as being trustworthy most of the time and there's been so much chatter around how trustworthy are 17:29 ads in the digital marketing space or is there censorship or who was putting these ads out and most Americans believe 17:37 that male is more factual than any other form of political advertising and above 17:42 and beyond that it yields a very high response rate and it it packs a very 17:47 powerful punch right it's tangible there's very high brand recall we know 17:52 that when someone goes out to their mailbox they're going to get the marketing message even if they decide to 17:57 discard it and if that message were repeated through digital channels after the fact it's going to impinge and it's 18:03 going to stand out in this crowd and the Sea of marketing messages that people are seeing on a daily basis now nearly 18:10 half of Consultants around 47 percent believe that Direct Mail was the most effective type of political advertising 18:16 for educating potential voters and among political Consultants with expertise in 18:23 direct mail that number actually jumps up to 70 percent so two and three Americans trust Direct Mail First all 18:29 sources so it's imperative that you have direct mail in a political meal strategy 18:35 or in your political marketing efforts in some way shape or form I'm going to talk about how we start with mail and we 18:41 end with mail to deliver the best results but mail should definitely be a 18:47 part of a political marketing strategy now the other thing about Direct Mail is 18:52 that it's not only effective at building trust but it also helps reinforce other forms of political advertising now why 18:59 is that well let's think about how people respond to marketing if I get a direct mail piece or I'm having some 19:04 type of an interest in a political candidate maybe I see a social media ad the next thing that I'm going to do is 19:10 I'm going to go online I want to learn more about this political candidate I want to see what their stance are on 19:16 other issues um and and I'm going to respond to that direct mail piece by 19:22 going online and now I have an opportunity to re-engage those prospective voters through the digital 19:28 marketing ecosystem and 48 of Americans say that the mail they received actually drove them to search online for more 19:35 information and it does reinforce the information that 19:41 um they are seeing on TV or online so we know that Direct Mail is an extremely trustworthy marketing channel so we know 19:49 that we're also going to be putting some budge it into the digital ad space so ensuring that we inject direct mail into 19:56 our digital marketing strategy is extremely imperative as well because it's just going to reinforce whatever it 20:02 is that they're seeing online and when you have a direct mail campaign it's going to help Drive online and drive 20:08 higher traction for your digital marketing campaigns as well now campaign managers themselves even 20:14 recognize the value of pairing direct mail with other campaign channels and this was a quote from a republican 20:20 consultant that said that you actually have to be very smart you have to integrate your direct mail with other 20:26 tactics and and making sure that they are syncing up their direct mail with their digital campaigns because this is 20:33 what is shown to be the most effective and drive the highest results and what I 20:38 want to talk about today is an opportunity where you can tap into an 11 20:43 technology platform that is giving you the best of both worlds that's giving you that offline and online and is going 20:50 to strategically deliver the highest results possible when paired with a 20:55 political mail campaign so we have a product that's called political power up it's an omnichannel marketing Solution 21:01 that's going to seamlessly track the effectiveness of a direct mail campaign campaign while driving an increase in 21:08 results over just a traditional Standalone Direct Mail campaign team through cross-channel promotion on 21:15 digital platforms now I just want to note that this political power-up is not in 21:21 any way shape or form a replacement for your current digital marketing strategy we would encourage you to continue with 21:27 your digital marketing strategy uh that is driving a significant amount of value 21:32 the political power up or any time that you are integrating omnichannel into your direct mail campaigns is a male 21:39 Centric marketing tactic where we are seeking to boost the results of your direct mail campaign and make your 21:46 direct mail more effective than it already is now we are going to integrate 11 21:52 Technologies into a direct mail campaign to deliver 8 to 16 Impressions per meal 21:58 piece now on average when we drive these 8 to 16 Impressions you're going to achieve about a 23 to 46 percent lift in 22:06 response over just a traditional Standalone Direct Mail campaign now probably one of the most lucrative 22:12 things about this platform is that you can drive all of this additional value for only a few pennies per meal piece so 22:22 very inexpensive as well now why would we want to drive 8 to 16 Impressions per 22:27 Mill piece why do we pick that number well because it's directly in alignment with best practices for marketing one 22:35 thing's for sure is that we know that the power of repetition is what works that's why uh that school board 22:41 candidate sent Jim 21 pieces of direct mail because repetition is what works in 22:46 marketing regardless of the marketing channel but when you can harness the powerful impact active direct mail and 22:52 repeat that impression inexpensively through digital channels you bring yourself into a win-win type of scenario 22:58 where you can significantly impact that response to that direct mail piece marketing rule of sevens get in front of 23:05 your your marketing prospects at least seven times to drive a conversion eighty percent some statistical data out there 23:12 shows 80 percent of sales conversions donations in political the vote are made 23:18 between the 8th and the 12th contact so with this program or let's say that you 23:24 just decide to go layer on omnichannel marketing onto your direct mail campaigns yourselves these 23:30 are the contact margins that you want to get these prospects up into to drive a 23:36 conversion okay so a lot of these tactics here or two that I'm talking about in the political power up product 23:41 you know these are strategies that you can also be employing right so if you 23:47 have a political male client these are some best practices that you can be talking with them about and and seeing 23:52 if they are strategically driving the highest response for their mail through the integration of some of these 23:57 Technologies now above and beyond driving a lift in response to mail through the integration of omnichannel 24:04 strategy we also have a dashboard if you are a print or meal provider you will have the ability to have a dashboard 24:10 where you can manage all of your clients campaigns and your clients will have the ability to log into a client-facing 24:17 dashboard and see the results of their direct mail campaigns the integrated digital they can see key performance 24:23 indicators and Export reports and have access to all of that at their fingertips so that they know how well 24:30 their marketing dollars are working for them and they can drill down into some of the data about the technologies that 24:35 are layered onto their mail campaigns now the first thing that we want to do or what is an effective strategy is to 24:42 enhance your meal with social media and what we do through this first channel is we take that actual mailing list and we 24:49 find the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the people on the mailing list and we 24:54 start serving up as to them for a couple days before the meal shows up in the mailbox so we're priming that pump we're 25:01 starting to warm them up to that marketing message for the candidate then they get that physical tangible mail 25:06 piece in the mailbox reinforcing the social ads and then for several days after we're going to show them social 25:12 ads to further reinforce the mail piece that they receive from there we're going 25:18 to provide peace of mind that what your client paid for is being delivered they 25:23 have the ability to see the data that's pulled in from USPS informed visibility see the percentage of their meal that's 25:30 delivered they can see where the meal is you know in the mail stream and when 25:36 it's projected to be delivered and then they can get that delivery confirmation and very granularly all the way down to 25:43 the individual Direct Mail recipient QR codes so Jim was talking about the 25:49 utilization of QR codes in mail and QR codes is is a great strategy especially for political mail for a couple of 25:56 different reasons one it's going to help lift the response to the mail campaigns because people like to scan QR codes 26:03 there's tons of statistical data out there on the efficacy of QR codes we've all been pushing this now for quite some 26:09 time and in addition to that there's a tracking reporting and attribution feature to it so you can see the number 26:16 of scans if you want to you can use personalized QR codes and you can actually see the individual that scan 26:22 that QR code and let's not forget depending upon what time of year it is USPS also has a postal promotion which 26:30 is uh under the mobile shopping promotion so through the utilization of QR codes your clients can also tap into 26:38 a three percent postage discount and a couple of the Technologies I'll talk about today actually have a postage a 26:45 postal of which is just imperative you know the cost of postage keeps going up the cost of everything keeps going up so 26:52 anytime that we can add more value and then pass along some postal savings to the customers it's definitely a win-win 26:59 USPS informed delivery um this is probably my favorite thing that USPS has has ever done to date um 27:07 you know this is a true definition of omni Channel we are we are providing an online ad uh and giving an opportunity 27:15 for somebody to uh convert to an offline channel so everyone signed up for this 27:21 technology in the morning they get an email it shows them uh scanned images of 27:26 all the mail that they're going to have in their mailbox there's a full color clickable ad that can be clicked on so 27:32 that they can respond go over to the candidate's website continue that Journey learn more about that political 27:39 candidate and then once someone gets to the website now we have an opportunity to continue to follow up with them 27:46 through our other digital channels now informed delivery has some astronomical 27:52 statistics and my favorite statistic is that it has an average open rate of around 67 percent 27:59 now mail with email is a very common tactic in the political mail space and 28:06 it's also very effective uh email alone for cold prospecting doesn't deliver the best results but email paired with mail 28:14 does well you're never going to get a 67 open rate on an email campaign so I 28:21 would highly suggest that you inject an informed delivery piece into your meal campaigns and you can also take 28:27 advantage of a four percent postage discount depending upon what time of the 28:32 year that that you're mailing in now you can also if you have a candidate 28:38 that is is really into attribution you can pull a report that will actually show them the first name last name 28:45 address of whomever on the mailing list actually received the email opened it and clicked on the ad 28:52 Now call and text tracking is an attribution tool this is not very common 28:58 um necessarily uh in in the voter space but for fundraising this is a fantastic 29:04 tool um you or your clients could use a call tracking number so that you can track 29:10 the contact information of every single person that's calling into this number you can show attribution to the mail and 29:19 you can also have a call to action on the mail piece where you could say text donate now to this number to receive 29:26 something in return you know maybe that's a link to enroll in email marketing a link to make a donation and 29:33 then you can capture all of the data about the people that are converting by 29:38 call or text and uh in political meal campaigns grabbing any amount of data 29:44 that you can about any of the prospects that are engaging is highly highly valuable for these political candidates 29:51 and their campaign managers um now another really effective way to 29:57 enhance your mail campaigns is through something that we call District targeting this is where we're going to 30:03 display ads throughout the Google Display Network through Facebook through Instagram to the people on the mailing 30:09 list but we are also going to cast a much wider net digitally and Target 30:14 prospective voters through certain congressional district codes and we are going to Target uh them based on 30:21 demographics that are in alignment with the audience that you are mailing to so 30:27 um Congressional voting district codes they run kind of wanky and so this gives us the best opportunity to Target the 30:32 Right audience and enhance the people on the mailing list you don't necessarily want to blast your ads out to a City a 30:39 state but we want to actually Target those specific congressional district codes 30:45 another great uh tactic to enhance your mail is to get in front of the meal recipients through YouTube ads so 30:53 harnessing the power of video is is extremely valuable we get a very high 30:59 response rate on video over a still ad um so you know sending a mail piece to 31:04 the mailbox and then serving up a quick little personable uh video ad about that 31:10 political candidate who they are and why they should be voted for is extremely valuable at driving the response and 31:17 delivering a win on voting day now we also enhance the mail campaigns 31:23 with Discovery ads and this is a three for one one is the YouTube homepage uh 31:30 two uh our Discovery ads and that's if you're on your mobile device and you 31:37 were logged into your Gmail those are the odds that appear right below the Google Toolbar right so really 31:45 good ad placement here um you know Google is the the first most visited site on the web YouTube is the 31:53 second most visited site on the web uh and then also we display ads through Gmail now Google Discovery is actually 32:02 changing this technology over to something called demand gen so in 32:07 November there will be no more Discovery it will be called demand gen but with 32:13 that comes some additional value where you will also have the ability to tap into video and shorts here and display 32:20 these ads to your mail audience through these channels so um there will definitely be an 32:27 enhancement to that starting in November now let's think about how everybody responds 32:33 to marketing I get a mail piece in my mailbox I'm seeing these ads on social I'm seeing them on YouTube Gmail uh 32:41 through Google through these channels when I respond to them I am going to go online I want to learn more about this 32:47 political candidate I want to determine if their stance on social issues is in alignment with something that should 32:53 earn my vote and so when I go to their website to garter more information I now 32:59 am going to pick up a pixel and we have an opportunity to follow them around with ads get back in front of them in as 33:06 many instances as we possibly can and divert their attention away from the other marketing efforts of the other 33:12 candidates in the space that are vying for their vote as well so mail is a 33:20 significant driver of that initial response and then we have the ability to follow up with them through digital and 33:26 get back in front of them in as many instances as possible and you know Jim made note of something earlier too when 33:33 you were talking about um the different channels and how people have different preferences right so and 33:40 I think I even saw some statistical data about that through some of the white papers that USPS has put out but you 33:48 know depending upon their demographic or um you know varying factors about the 33:54 prospective voter they want to learn more about political candidates through different channels they prefer to 34:00 convert through other channels and so giving them all these additional opportunities to engage for these other 34:07 channels is extremely effective right but we know the power of mail starting 34:12 with mail and injecting male throughout these campaigns is so imperative to 34:17 driving success um so lead match is the last tool in 34:24 this political power up product and then I'm going to talk about a couple of other things but 34:30 work today in today's time in space or I'm seeing that marketers are wanting 34:36 to be more targeted with their mailing right so who should I be marketing to well let's say that you are running a 34:43 digital marketing campaign they're all going to go to your website too when they respond but they may not fill out a 34:48 form or you know let you know that they're interested or that they were on your website there's also going to be 34:53 just other people that are out there that you know might be a swing voter or someone that's on the fence about who 35:00 they're going to vote for and they happen to go to the candidate's website to learn more about them and now with a 35:08 technology like lead match we have the ability to de-anonymize a website visitor find out 35:15 who they are give the contact information for these people tell you 35:20 what activity they're taking on the website so what social stances are they 35:25 looking at what interests do they have on these websites and build you a 35:31 mailing list of people that you can Market you that you know have a specific 35:36 interest in potentially uh you know voting for you on voting day right so 35:42 now you have the ability to uh put your marketing budget into a mail campaign of 35:48 people that you know has some type of Interest right and again like I said they may be on the fence so it's even 35:54 more imperative to get back in front of those people with your marketing message to try to ensure the vote converted 36:00 voting debt right now also something that's really really important is personalization okay and there's 36:08 there's so much research out there about how personalization improves the 36:13 responsiveness of male and the efficacy of marketing campaigns and giving you the ability to actually Market to them 36:19 about these social issues or stances that they have an interest in is enabling you to do that add their name 36:26 to the postcard right personalize it and as as many facets as you possibly can 36:31 and drive a very high response rate um not to mention that if you are running digital marketing campaigns this 36:39 is a way for you to further increase the conversion of your digital marketing campaigns by using the power of direct 36:47 mail okay so Direct Mail retargeting is a very successful tactic at improving 36:55 conversions Above and Beyond digital retargeting that a lot of people are using and 37:01 USPS has a postal promotion for a five percent postage discount for direct mail 37:08 retargeting and our lead match technology actually does have a special approval from USPS 37:15 um so we can get you an approval letter if you're using this technology you get approved one time through the uh mobile 37:21 shopping for uh Mobile promotions portal and that's it you're free to use this 37:27 talk now the other part of this technology is the attribution piece so 37:32 we're spending a significant amount of marketing dollars to send out mail and 37:38 so marketers have a heavy interest in who is actually responding right so when 37:44 one of the direct mail recipients goes to the website we have the ability to know who they are and say hey we 37:51 identified a thousand people on your website out of those thousand people 250 37:56 of them were on your mail campaign and here is who they are and these these are 38:01 the actions they took on your website as well so finally getting true attribution 38:07 to a mail campaign very powerful 38:12 um so that's that's a political power product but there's some other technologies that you can utilize to 38:18 enhance direct mail that are extremely powerful and effective now one of those Technologies is something that we use 38:24 called addressable geofencing and this is where we can draw a virtual boundary 38:29 around a residence so you're mailing to a residence we actually have the ability to identify every single device known to 38:38 be within that virtual boundary and display ads to every single device within that household this is not IP 38:46 based targeting there are 54 billion different data sets being digested on a daily basis to capture the true 38:53 identification of every single device known to be within the virtual boundary but within that residence that you're 38:58 mailing to so that you can send mail and serve up ads to every single device 39:04 within those households so true one-to-one marketing uh and true one-to-one enhancement to your director 39:10 mail campaigns really powerful stuff and you can also have an offline conversion 39:17 Zone like let's say for example you want to draw a conversion Zone around a voting Precinct any of the prospective 39:24 voters that received the mail and the digital ads walks in there it will ping their device and then you can actually 39:30 show that they they they converted and they voted now you won't know who they voted for but if you would like to know 39:37 that they actually voted you can dig into that information as well or we can 39:42 even curate a list of people that are affiliated with a certain political party have certain interests or 39:48 demographics and we can serve up ads to the devices of those individuals and 39:54 then use the lead match pixel to capture those people and build a mailing list so that you can funnel those into your 40:01 direct mail campaigns as well um also something that is currently 40:08 being used right now by a few of our partners but is not actively available is email so I was talking before when I 40:16 was uh about the faculty of informed delivery and how meal with email is a very good tactic in the political mail 40:23 space we do have an email technology that will be rolling out in just a couple of weeks 40:29 um like I said a couple of partners are using it of course we have to go through somewhat of a testing phase but you will 40:35 have the ability to harness within our platform uh sending out an email prior 40:40 to the mail being delivered and sending out an email after the mail being delivered and it's just a phenomenal way 40:45 to enhance a political mail campaign yeah so let's talk a little bit about 40:52 political ad content restrictions uh in the mail space really there's not any 40:59 type of a restriction and so you know Jim was saying hey I don't really want to touch on some of these issues that 41:04 they might be uh marketing about but some of these issues are pretty wild and 41:11 there's just no opportunity for them to be communicated through certain channels 41:16 like Google and Facebook just are not going to allow it there's just certain things that you cannot Market through 41:24 platforms like Google or Facebook now you can Market those issues through 41:30 Direct Mail there's really no restrictions uh on the direct mail campaign you can also Market those 41:37 issues through informed delivery and then um it also in addition addressable 41:43 geofencing so the addressable geofencing doesn't have any restrictions uh really 41:49 in terms of the type of uh content or imagery or any of these social issues 41:56 um but you know with Google or Facebook you can definitely use those platforms but you have to be more cautious about 42:02 the message so you might want to have the imagery look the same as the male piece but we're not going to be as wild 42:08 you know through those channels that the campaigns will just get shut down unfortunately okay 42:15 um so real quick I just want to go over a case study now a really successful 42:20 tactic that I see a lot of our partners employing are uh chasing the ballot so 42:27 they're chasing the ballot uh marketing campaigns and um this was one of those 42:32 campaigns it was about 95 000 pieces they delivered about 600 000 Impressions 42:39 uh which is about a about seven times uh The Impressions that they would have 42:44 delivered over a direct mail campaign the candidate won the election with 50 42:49 almost 59 of the votes so really really really close race right so if you think 42:57 about uh another political candidate in the space that might just be doing mail 43:02 and you have a client that's doing mail and digital it might just be that 43:08 strategy that pushes them over the edge and and delivers that win for them and this candidate actually did attribute 43:15 the victory to the program um and was pushing it to the state and 43:20 National levels going forward so very successful strategy and we do run these 43:26 campaigns on some very large mailings as well this one was about 600 000 43:31 delivering almost three million impressions they have three times the 43:36 engagement rate over just a traditional mail campaign three times the response just by adding the digital enhancement 43:43 seven times standard engagement rate on social media and we capture 35 43:49 000 addresses from the website so that they could use those leads to funnel 43:55 into their mail campaigns so you know print mailers you want more Revenue you 44:01 know the lead match pixels a great way to build mailing lists so that you guys can put more mail into the mail Stream 44:08 So and we're marketing to the right people right and the candidates are going to get a good response from that 44:13 and good conversions especially if we're marketing to those those swing voters 44:19 um you know I I also just want to talk about the time sensitivity issue because I do have a couple of sales reps in this 44:27 space they have political male clients and they're like oh my gosh you know I just don't know that I can add this Omni 44:33 Channel onto my direct mail campaigns they turn and burn too fast and so it's all about planning right you know once 44:40 you get a code on the site and you get Facebook permissions the first time you're done I mean it's not like your 44:46 political candidate's only going to mail one time you know before election time right so there's going to be a little 44:51 bit of planning there and sometimes we have to put a little bit more effort in if we want to add more value for our 44:57 clients so you know just try to be open-minded and know that yes there is a little bit more planning here but once 45:03 that planning is done you just upload a mailing list and you keep on going also 45:08 there are technologies that don't require putting a code on the site and things like that like the addressable 45:14 Geo there's no cookies there's no code that needs to be put on site there's no Facebook permissions that have to be 45:21 acquired um so you know just if you're looking to add more value for your customers you 45:27 communicate right communicate with us talk with your clients about their strategy and and what they're trying to 45:32 accomplish and most of the time um you know definitely we would have a solution where we can deliver what they 45:38 need uh without as much preparation I will tell you this sometimes it is challenging full transparency to get 45:46 informed delivery on a mailing um because you have to have at least that 24-hour window for USPS to add that 45:53 inform delivery so sometimes the campaign might have to go out without the informed delivery but if you're 45:59 looking to tap into that that four percent postage discount you're going to need to give yourself a 46:05 little bit more time on that so but yes uh definitely time sensitive mailing so 46:11 a little bit of preparation required there to deploy these types of campaigns but you know definitely worth it guys 46:17 you know adding a lot of value and really helping uh deliver the most uh high response strategic Direct Mail 46:24 campaigns we can in this space okay all right 46:30 um so that is a pretty good overall strategy on omnichannel integration into 46:36 Direct Mail campaigns and some of the technologies that we have available here at Direct Mail 2.0 uh really thankful 46:43 Jim for joining us today um here is Jim's contact information 46:48 um and anybody that's interested in learning more about omnichannel enhancement for Direct Mail campaigns or 46:54 more about our political power product you can scan that QR code there or you 46:59 can email us at sales dm2o.com let me go ahead and hop over here and 47:07 see if we have any questions oh Jim said as of September 16th we have 47:14 58.5 million informed delivery users with a natural sound National saturation 47:19 rate of almost 31 that's strong right so and growing I mean I remember when it 47:26 when uh you were just doing the little beta testing over in like the Pennsylvania 47:32 area so um that's definitely a strong saturation 47:37 for sure um how much time is required to set up a Dartmouth 2.0 campaign 47:44 if the list changes for every mailing does that require a new setup so really 47:50 you can set up a direct mail 2.0 campaign in 10 minutes so just need a mailing list and a few pieces of 47:55 creative and we need to know um the client's website so 48:01 uh really just a couple of minutes and if the mailing list changes after each 48:06 uh mailing it does not require a new setup you can just upload a new mailing list into the campaign now I don't know 48:13 the answer to this uh I think the answer is yes uh Jim does 48:19 election law require a postcard to have info about who paid for the advertising 48:24 I'll have to get back to you on that because I don't want it to speak yeah so I I know we do I I'm uh yeah I'm sure I 48:32 think that you do but Wayne make a note here and we'll get back to you on that 48:38 um you definitely have to disclose who is marketing um in some of the digital campaigns 48:45 um but we'll find out about mail um Josh London said you can find a zip 48:52 code breakdown of informed delivery users here yes that's a really good tool so if you want to see saturation by ZIP 48:59 code you can use uh that URL there and kind of get an idea of the type of saturation uh clay wholesale go ahead 49:08 Jim that's gonna say and Josh is on my team and so like for example in my ZIP code the saturation rate is 42 percent 49:16 and one thing on that informed delivery is when I receive it and let's say it is 49:21 a political ad I could share that ad with other folks so I can connect 49:26 certain social media feeds and I can share that out but also I can set a reminder because maybe in addition to 49:33 the physical mail piece I can tell it remind me on early voting day to go out 49:39 and vote so those are some great enhancements that we've made to the inform delivery as well yeah those are 49:46 newer too I don't know um if a lot of people know about that but there's definitely some new 49:52 enhancements hey you have any information I you know they've been talking about it for years but I saw 49:57 some evidence some some more information about uh that there might finally be a 50:02 release of B2B informed delivery do you have any information on that Jim 50:08 um yes it's coming it's being beta tested and so you know we're really setting up the dashboard 50:14 and the back end to that but you know what will be nice about it is it's a place that the business can uh even if 50:22 they ship with us too can connect all of that together in the informed delivery feeds so it's actually uh 50:29 um about ready to launch and I think you guys will really like it uh when it hits oh yeah well I know it's been a 50:35 challenging thing the the turnover is so high you know in businesses and there's 50:40 just been a lot of other challenges but it looked like they were getting pretty close to having a a final product on it 50:49 um so that's exciting um somebody asked uh how long the informed delivery discount runs so the 50:55 program for informed delivery discount is August 1st through December 31st 51:00 um and it's usually those same those same times I the calendar came out for next year and it's the same times next 51:06 year as well too okay and that directional retargeting promotion runs until uh November 30th and that also is 51:14 an approved promotion for next year uh we will definitely verify for you Wayne 51:20 about uh if you have to disclose who pay for the advertising but someone else on the webinar here Clay Hall said that you 51:27 do have to disclose who who paid for the advertising but we'll um we'll confirm that for you 51:33 okay all right um well I don't see any other questions uh I I really appreciate you joining us 51:41 today Jim uh very much appreciated and uh if oh is there another question we'll 51:47 see oh so Josh put the postal uh promotions calendar in there for us thank you Josh 51:54 um but we will be reaching out to you also to let you know how to get a hold of us we thank everybody for joining us 52:00 today and we hope you have a great rest of your week thanks Morgan thanks Jim

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