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Maximize Political Mail with Political Power Up

Posted Mar 22, 2024 | Views 181
# Webinar
# Technology
# Sales and Marketing
# Political Mail
# Omnichannel Marketing
# Direct Mail
# Digital Marketing

With industry experts projecting political ad spending to surge to $10.2 billion in 2024—a notable 13% increase from 2020—there's never been a more crucial time to harness the power of omnichannel marketing. Watch this winning webinar on leveraging Political Power Up to elevate your political campaign strategies.

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so good afternoon uh my name is Morgan DiGiorgio I'm the senior vice president sales and marketing for DirectMail2.0 0:06 I'm joined today by my two colleagues Jason Weber and Andy Baechel they are our 0:12 marketing and sales Consultants they work with our resellers and they help layer Omni cha marketing campaigns onto 0:18 Direct Mail campaigns to grow print and mailer's business and and lift the response rate of direct mail campaigns 0:23 for their clients so here at Direct Mail 2.0 our sole purpose is to make Direct 0:28 Mail the most effective form of marketing by integrating it with cuttingedge technology and we have a 14 0:33 technology marketing automation platform that specifically layers onto Direct Mail campaigns to improve mail campaigns 0:40 by showing tracking attribution and lifting the response rates by layering on the Omni Channel we have five 0:46 different bundle Tech Stacks today we're going to hone in on a particular Tech stack that we have called political 0:52 PowerUp so big year for political advertising guys um we can thank uh the 0:59 lift in in mail volume due to all the political mail that's going to be going through the mailstream this year 1:04 industry experts are projecting uh 2024 political ad spending to hit 10.2 1:10 billion for a 133% increase over the 9 billion spent in 2020 so what I want to 1:16 talk about today guys um is an opportunity right because I know that the majority of the people on our 1:22 webinar today are uh print mail providers are typically selling Direct 1:27 Mail campaigns for marketing purposes to your political clients but there's a lot 1:32 of additional opportunity out there for to tap into a greater portion of this 10.2 billion advertising spend what I 1:40 mean by that is you can start tapping into ways to layer Omni Channel marketing on top of direct mail campaigns drive and grow more Revenue 1:47 into your organization and also help improve and lift the response rates of the political advertising Direct Mail 1:53 campaigns to get better responses for your customers and help deliver the win by driving the vote by getting more 1:59 marketing out into that ecosystem for them um also I forgot to mention anybody that has any questions we're going to go 2:05 through our deck go through our webinar um pop them into the chat and we'll do a Q&A uh right at the end of that webinar 2:12 so the foundation of it all you know the first thing that I really want to talk about when we're talking about political advertising is the importance of direct 2:20 mail in political advertising and according to uh the USPS white paper and 2:26 the lob state of dor mail white paper it shows how integ Direct Mail is in the political 2:32 advertising space with 66% reporting a higher return on investment when Direct Mail is a part of the media mix and 74% 2:41 saying that Direct Mail yields the highest return on investment with 84% agreeing that Direct Mail improves 2:47 multi-channel campaign performance so I think that the point here is that if we're talking to prospects out there and 2:53 we're trying to drive more uh revenue or we're trying to acquire new Direct Mail business start talking to marketers in 2:59 the political space and ask them if they are utilizing Direct Mail in their overall advertising strategy because if 3:07 they're not they should be and we need to be educating them on these statistics and pointing them to all the information 3:13 that's out there that's showing how effective Direct Mail is in the political marketing space and there's a 3:18 lot of reasons for that okay two and three Americans trust Direct Mail vers other sources H well why is that I don't 3:26 know a Mark Zuckerberg fact Checker isn't going to show up in your mailbox and start ripping up all of your mail pieces because uh you know the content 3:33 isn't factual right so that's not going to be happening and most Americans believe mail is more factual than other 3:39 forms of political advertising it's tangible it's physically present it's seen as informative it speaks something 3:46 about the candidate right and it has the potential to be referred to repeatedly because it stays in the household and 3:52 nearly half of Consultants about 47% believe that Direct Mail was the most effective type of political advertising 3:58 for educating potenti voters and among political Consultants with expertise in direct mail that know how powerful 4:06 Direct Mail is in the political advertising space this number jumps to 70% so you know Direct Mail is a very 4:15 integral piece of political advertising but the truth of the matter is is that the most effective marketing tactics are 4:22 employing a utilization of both offline and online channels today prospects are 4:28 expecting to be be marketed to through multiple channels and they like to take that journey and utilize different 4:34 channels for different things but it's so integral and important to be using offline and online together because that 4:40 is what is really going to be delivering the best results and if you look at some of the white papers that USP has put out 4:46 I mean they do a ton of research in this space Andy's going to talk about a website where you guys can tap into a 4:51 lot of data you can pull these white papers use them to educate your customers use these in your in your uh 4:58 marketing presentations and your sales presentations to really educate the political advertisers but you know 5:03 there's a lot of reasons why we should be using offline and online together two and three Americans say that the mail 5:10 they received during the 2022 election cycle reinforce information that they saw on TV or on online ads the other 5:19 thing is that Direct Mail can reinforce information encountered online or if a 5:24 direct mail piece is presented to prospective voter it will typically drive them to online to do more research 5:31 about a prospective candidate right I get a mail piece I I'm interested in what this candidate stands for I will go 5:36 to the website and we'll see how what their stance are on on different political issues and I'm going to learn 5:42 more about that and I'm going to continue that journey and start to De develop and build this relationship with 5:48 this political candidate and it's so important that we keep getting back in front of them with as many markting 5:53 channels as we possibly can to continue reinforcing the messaging that we're driving with our Direct Mail and then we 6:00 need to reinforce our digital with our Direct Mail campaigns uh campaign managers recognize the importance and 6:07 the value of pairing direct mail with other campaigns and I quote Republican consultant this is from the USPS 6:13 delivering authenticity white paper the one thing we've seen with direct mail is to the extent you really need to be 6:19 smart about integrating your direct mail with other tactics to talk to voters we made sure that our Direct Mail was 6:26 synced up with our digital campaign we were using text messages that there's some coordination as much as we could 6:32 possibly get and that's because this is what is the most effective type of 6:37 marketing tactic in political advertising so what I want to talk about today or what I want to present to you 6:43 is a streamlined TurnKey solution that we provide at Direct Mail 2.0 that is going to Encompass all of these 6:50 effective marketing tactics in the political advertising space and deliver this on a platter for you to utilize and 6:55 resell to your direct mail customers and for your customers to harness and take advantage of so that they can improve 7:01 their political advertising so Direct Mail 2.0 is a marketing based solution 7:06 that is designed to seemlessly track the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns while enhancing and lifting the results 7:12 through the integration of digital platforms and what we're really delivering is an omni Channel marketing 7:17 approach we are going to take the impression that is delivered with that mail piece that really powerful impactful impression that is going to 7:24 impinge in the prospective voters mind and then we are going to take digital and we are going to reinforce that and 7:30 repeat it and deliver multiple Impressions to the same audience across multiple platforms so that we can 7:36 deliver a vote and a win so at Direct Mail 2.0 we actually have 14 different 7:43 technologies that we can layer onto a direct mail campaign we have five different bundle Tech stacks of which 7:49 today we're going to hone in on the political PowerUp because we're talking about how to make political advertising 7:55 or political Direct Mail campaigns more effective now I do want to point out or 8:00 note that I'm starting to talk about Technologies and digital marketing but political PowerUp is not a replacement 8:07 for any current digital marketing strategy so there's any mailers on our webinar today and they're like oh I'm 8:12 doing digital I've got that covered fantastic because we encourage you to continue to use your existing digital 8:19 campaigns to uh print and mailers you are not going out and selling digital marketing to your customers what you are 8:26 selling is a lift in response or an improvement to a direct mail campaign 8:31 political PowerUp is a male Centric product that is going to utilize digital platforms to make the mail campaigns 8:37 more effective and drive the Maximum Impact for that Direct Mail campaign now 8:43 we run these campaigns for some of the largest mailers in the country they have really robust digital marketing teams 8:50 but they harness the power of this political power product to enhance their direct mail campaigns and deliver a 8:56 better response uh for their mail Centric marketing and that being said you know we also run these campaigns for 9:02 some small to mediumsized mailers that don't necessarily have access to very robust digital marketing teams and 9:09 sometimes they might harness this platform to have an all-in-one solution where they can tap into and take advantage of a lot of resources and one 9:16 streamline TurnKey product so it really just depends on what type of marketer that you are talking with and and what 9:23 their marketing strategy looks like but there's a couple of different ways that we can position this to add value but for the most part political PowerUp is a 9:30 male Centric product and we really don't want to take over any digital marketing it plays a very integral role in the 9:36 political advertising space and it is very important as well so the political 9:42 PowerUp product has 11 of our 14 technologies that are going to be integrated into Direct Mail campaigns we 9:49 are going to deliver a total of eight to 16 Impressions per mail piece and on average this drives about a 23 to 46% 9:57 lift and response for just pennies pennies per meal piece we're going to add all this additional value so why 8 10:06 to 16 impressions well there's a couple of reason why above and beyond you know the successful marketing tactic of 10:13 integrating digital with Direct Mail campaigns we want to employ the marketing rule of sevens get in front of 10:20 your prospective voter at least seven times to grab their interest and continue that put them in a funnel 10:26 continue to hit them and continue that Journey all the way up until voting day statistically we've also seen that about 10:32 80% of sales conversions donations are made between the 8th and the 12 contact 10:38 and with political mailings voting is the sale so we want to deliver eight to 10:43 16 Impressions per piece getting those prospective voters up into those contact margins where conversion is going to 10:50 potentially take place and help to deliver that win now above and beyond 10:55 adding all this value to a direct mail campaign if you're a print or a mail provider you're going to have access to 11:02 a dashboard where you can manage all of your clients Direct Mail campaigns but more importantly you're going to give 11:08 your clients access to a dashboard where they can see all of the results of every single Direct Mail campaign that they're 11:14 running out they can see the results of all of the digital and Omni channel that we've added on and they can use this 11:20 data grab it see how the prospective voters are responding grab additional data about those voters and utilize all 11:27 that to continuously improve these campaigns with each drop the people that aren't responding trim off the fat don't 11:33 Market to them anymore the people that are grab more data about them and marketed them in different ways that will be more effective or acquire new 11:41 prospective voters that are on your website showing an interest put them into your marketing funnel and lay on that Omni Channel and help drive more 11:48 votes um that day at that Precinct and Jason's going to talk more about these 11:54 Technologies and what they do and some of that data more intricately so I'm going going to pass it over to him and 12:01 he's going to dive into these Technologies Jason thanks Morgan um excellent job as always um so folks I'm 12:09 gonna start out with social match but let's first cover a few bases real quick 12:15 um social match as we all know is a male Centric technology just like uh most of our other techs here um but one thing 12:22 that's going to differ in a lot of these political campaigns is the actual mailing list itself right so we have a 12:28 very tumultuous political environment going on right now in the past there has 12:33 been very historically on one side or the other of the aisle you're going to go to your town clerk's office and 12:39 you're going to get a registered voters list whether it's registered Republicans registered Democrats um in some cases 12:45 registered Independence but these days right now there is a lot more folks that 12:51 we might be able to Target and isolate that we might not be able to allocate on a list so I'm going to touch on that a 12:58 little bit as I go through these Technologies as well but the very first one that I wanted to get into is social 13:03 match now social match is going to Target the individuals on your mailing list whether they're registered 13:10 Republicans Democrats Independents as long as they are receiving a direct mail piece from you we are going to do our 13:16 best to isolate and put impressions in front of those individuals and most importantly they're going to see these 13:23 Impressions throughout your mail pieces journey in the mailstream these are going to start the very same day that 13:29 your mail gets deployed from any facility and it's going to continuously show these ads for the first 14 days of 13:37 this campaign so while the mail is traveling through the mailstream as it's being dropped in the mailbox and then 13:43 for about a week or so afterwards as long as these people are on the mailing list once again they're likely going to 13:49 see an advertisement here on social and we're going to be warming them up to the idea of receiving that mail piece in 13:56 that mailbox uh go ahead Morgan next slide so the next three technologies that 14:02 we're going to talk about folks these all stem from the intelligent mail barcode now for those of you who don't 14:07 know the intelligent mail barcode is the same technology that your big giant retailers Home Depot Walmart uh Amazon 14:14 use to track your packages through the office uh through the through the country through the mailstream excuse me 14:20 so what we do with that intelligent mail barcode is we serialize that and when we get that serial number that gets printed 14:27 on each and every Direct mail piece they are serialized as they're traveling through the mailstream so every step of 14:33 the way as we're getting scans we're going to provide you a projected delivery date in your dashboard you know 14:40 just like your normal online purchases would and then finally when that mail piece does get eventually delivered in 14:46 that mailbox will provide a confirmed delivery date now this is going to do two things for your political candidate 14:52 that's running for office number one it is going to verify of course Peace of Mind the most EXP expensive part of any 15:00 direct mail campaign is going to be your postage so the tracking dashboard is going to say okay great my mail went 15:06 from point A to point B which is our mailboxes successfully the second thing that it's going to do is it's going to 15:13 allow you the political consultant or the marketer or the campaign manager the ability to anticipate spikes in website 15:20 traffic spikes in QR code scans spikes and calls things like that where 15:26 normally after a direct mail piece drw we just think that there's a a small 15:31 spike in traffic organically when in reality it's that mail piece dropping in the mailbox pointing those recipients 15:38 attention towards that mail piece that's essentially gaining that action and that conversion um in our next technology we 15:46 have QR codes now like I said this is also serialized from that intelligent 15:53 mail barcode so just like the IMB where it has its own serial number we individualize every single QR code prior 16:01 to it getting printed on the direct mail piece so when that individual at the end 16:06 of the line gets that mail piece takes out their phone and scans that QR code 16:11 we are able to actually report endline scan data in your dashboard for those 16:16 people now this is going to be a full audit of who it was on your mailing list that this mail piece was addressed to 16:22 time and date of the original scan time and date of the most recent scan any time uh what kind of device they have 16:29 and then of course we're going to find what the destination URL that they were being driven to now if you do not want 16:35 to use pqr codes and you just like to stick with a traditional static QR code 16:40 that is also totally okay the fact of the matter here is that if you are not 16:45 using pqr codes in your print marketing right now you are 100% sacrificing 16:52 conversions period since the end of 2021 QR code scan percentage in a print 16:58 marketing space has increased over 400% and when you think about that it's 17:03 truly because it is in fact the most convenient way for me a busy dad busy 17:09 husband to get from point A to point B on your marketing piece without taking me out of my normal routine that I'm in 17:16 right now and then the next technology that we have which is the third that stems off of this IMB this is informed 17:22 delivery now real quick if there's anyone in this call right now that is not using this techn techology it is 17:29 completely free and it's actually really kind of cool go to usps.com slin delivery sign up with an 17:37 email address and with a valid Us address and you'll start receiving emails from the post office every single 17:43 day between the hours of 8 and 9:00 a.m. local time and that email will basically 17:48 be just you being able to screen the physical mail coming to your mailbox later that day they run it through a 17:55 black and white scanner they take a picture of it and they send you an email mail saying hey Morgan here's the pieces 18:01 of mail that you're getting in your mailbox later today now as marketers this technology is a complete gold mine 18:09 because we have the ability to piggyback that gray and white uh scale image with 18:14 a right along full color image that looks just like what you're looking at on the screen right now okay we'll have 18:20 your your candidates picture right on the mail piece and that individual can interact with that full color they can 18:27 click on that and they can go straight through to your candidates website to wherever we're driving traffic to a 18:33 couple really really big points about this technology first and foremost like it says in the bottom of the screen 18:39 starting in August the USPS is going to start incentivizing informed delivery 18:44 enhanced mailings with a 4% front-loaded postage discount if you guys do not know 18:50 how to get set up with this follow up with your MSC over here at dm2 and we'll walk you through the process it's really 18:57 easy to be able to do that couple of the things that are really unique about this technology first and 19:03 foremost not a lot of businesses are using it right so it's kind of like Hidden Gem in marketing when we're 19:09 dealing with consumer behavior when we're dealing with decreased attention spans and increased marketing 19:15 Impressions on a daily basis it's really important to be able to do anything and everything to drive additional impact to 19:23 that mail piece so informed delivery while it is only one impression it for 19:29 the most part is a onetoone digital impression to the person that is 19:35 receiving your mailpiece hands on your mail piece later that day so if there is no other impact Builder this is going to 19:43 be the one that does it and this technology is increasing in usage in Spades month after month after month 19:49 there's more and more and more Millions more people that are using this so moving right along if any of you folks 19:56 have any questions about any of this stuff by the way don't hesit hesitate to just drop it in the chat let us know we'll have either Andy or Morgan or 20:02 someone else on the team answer it on the Fly by the way as your campaign is traveling through the mailstream the 20:08 post office uploads this information to us so we're just going to put it into your dashboard it's essentially just 20:14 like that get leads feature you click on ID match you hit get matches and then we'll essentially show you this report 20:21 who received the informed delivery email who opened it and who clicked on it and folks that's totally free as partners of 20:28 direct 2.0 so moving right along we have our 20:33 call and text tracking now very historically this platform was designed 20:39 as a way to track attribution to the mail piece all right and that's really these are two of the key technologies 20:46 that we put right in the beginning and we did that intentionally because when that mail piece is traveling once that 20:52 leaves our dock once it leaves our facility travels through the country lands wherever it's Landing we basically 20:58 basically have no way to tell what's going on with that mail piece unless we know someone on the other end of the 21:04 phone engaged with that mail piece right so call and text tracking are really great ways to do that now we're not 21:11 expecting your candidate to have this forwarded directly to their cell phone or anything like that but if you guys 21:17 have a campaign headquarters or if you have an answering service or even if you have um a pre-recorded voicemail with 21:25 some of the policy ideas that your candidate has this is an absolutely fantastic way to generate that 21:31 conversion information from when that mail piece drops in the mailbox so really quickly how does it work we 21:38 provide you a phone number that phone number can be local it can be toll-free if this is a local election I recommend 21:44 local if it is a federal election of course I recommend a toll-free number now when that person that gets the 21:50 direct mail calls that number it gets passed right through our system it lands right on your client's or your 21:57 candidate's phone that's ringing right now anyways and it is completely seamless on your side prior to it 22:03 getting to you we will track every single detail of the caller and we will record the call now for the text feature 22:10 this is the same exact phone number and this is a one-way response and it's keyword based so the direct mail 22:17 recipient will text something like vote to the same call tracking number and 22:23 when this individual texts that vote keyword they will get a one-way response back that says hello Morgan thank you 22:30 for your interest in voting for XYZ candidate click on this link right here to get involved with the candidate with 22:36 the the candidacy or or you know whatever action that you guys want them to take even if it's again just a 22:42 landing page where you have a picture of the candidate with the top three policy 22:47 things that they have going on that is totally fine either way this is going to be a way for you to track final endline 22:56 engagement from your direct mail pieces elves did you have something to add Mo 23:01 yeah I mean I also like to use that inbound SMS you know inbound SMS is 23:06 great because you don't have to worry about any of the restrictions or legalities with outbound SMS but I also 23:12 think that it's a great opportunity for them to get opt into an an outbound SMS 23:18 campaign or an email marketing campaign you know text vote now to this number to 23:23 receive something return maybe that's a link to opt into SMS marketing or a link to make a donation for fundraising or a 23:29 link to opt into their email campaigns and now they can put them in some other ancillary funnels and utilize that for 23:35 that as well great Point M thank you very much um so our next technology in the line 23:42 here is District targeting now for most of you who are familiar with our traditional platform this is where we 23:49 would have our online followup technology now in a political setting it 23:54 is not necessarily good or legal for that matter to retarget based on 23:59 political views so what we do in this case is we instead of doing your traditional Google lookalike audience we 24:07 have this District targeting technology that is going to Overlay your advertisements into the exact voting 24:14 district that your candidate is going to be trying to Target now the really cool part about this technology is that this 24:21 is what checks the boxes for the people that are doing the Google searches that might not be a registered Democrat 24:28 Republican or independent this is going to be based on consumer Behavior this is 24:33 going to be based on geography this is going to be based on targeting the 24:38 highest probable voters in that area regardless of an r a d or an i and this 24:45 is going to put messages in front of them on the Google Network everywhere they go on the Google Network all over 24:52 it I think it's like 98% of websites in existence now while marketing is all 24:58 about consumer behavior and while this District targeting tool is absolutely fantastic by the way if you folks are 25:04 wondering um hey this kind of looks a little bit similar to that dm2 plus thing that I've been hearing about this 25:10 was so successful when we were running it in some previous elections that this is what we actually built the dm2 plus 25:17 platform based on right so some of this stuff is going to be familiar with you guys in lie of being able to follow a 25:24 device with a Google advertisement based on a website visit it like I said a moment ago we're going to be targeting 25:31 individuals based on their highest probability of voting in the election but when it comes down to Consumer 25:38 Behavior we do have the ability to follow around the user just like an our 25:44 traditional platform with our social media follow-up component okay next slide Mo oh I'm sorry I thought I was 25:52 going to be on social media followup I'm so used to that coming next now social media followup unlike the Google 25:58 component this is a user-based retargeting tool so when someone goes to your website and then they leave your 26:04 website if that person on that same device they have either Facebook or 26:09 Instagram present on that device we are then going to retarget them across any of the other devices that they're using 26:16 those services on this is great to be able to generate conversations between 26:21 the folks in the household most of the decisions in a household are made between the hours of 7 and 10 p.m. 26:28 and I know one of the biggest taboo subjects that people talk about is politics and religion but in the 26:34 household that is one of the only places where it is really kind of safe for that matter to talk politics and religion so 26:43 in between the hours of 7 and 10 p.m. what is the average consumer doing well me I'm sitting on the couch put the kids 26:50 in bed I finally have a chance to relax for the day maybe eating some dinner chitchatting with my wife about you know 26:56 like I always give you guys the examp examples oh we have a leaky roof or I need new shoes or where are we going to 27:02 donate to our nonprofit this year but when it's an election year you better believe we're talking at least a little 27:09 bit about politics on a daily basis we take politics pretty seriously in my house um so we have those conversations 27:16 we have them openly my wife and I discuss who we're going to be voting for so if I am getting retargeted for a 27:23 specific political candidate between those specific hours when my wife and I are in that communication cycle as will 27:31 it work just like this for millions of other households in the United States 27:36 this is going to prompt those internal discussions within those households and it's also going to be able to retarget 27:42 based on relevancies so if I'm going to all of these different candidates website but then I'm back and forth and 27:48 back and forth to one the most I'm going to get retargeted more than the guy next door who's just kind of window shopping 27:55 all of the political candidates to check the box on Election Day did you have something to add to that Mo no I mean 28:01 that's that's a phenomenal example um I just wanted to make sure it was clear that we run the district targeting not 28:09 only on Google but we also run the district targeting on Facebook and the 28:14 Instagram um but then we we do the retargeting on on the Facebook only because it's disallowed on Google yes 28:21 and and I apologize if that was any if there was any confusion on that now 28:27 YouTube is an absolutely phenomenal way folks to generate engagement or exposure 28:32 or impressions for pretty much everything now I know that this might sound totally weird but during the last 28:39 election cycle um we noticed something very funny happening with the with the 28:44 YouTube ad specifically that we were getting run through the platform every time it was a really high production 28:52 advertisement you know someone walking down a street talking about all this stuff extras in the background super 28:57 high produc the engagement percentage would hover right around you know your normal 29:02 engagement percentage 1% maybe a little bit less or so but then when we found that we had a 29:09 candidate that was taking out their phone and recording a really quick kind of selfie type video not an actual 29:16 selfie video but something similar to that low production value throw some subtitles in there and call it a day 29:23 make it between 5 and 15 seconds the engagement percent percentages were 29:28 astronomical compared to your traditional engagement this is because that is making it more personal right if 29:35 you have only five to seven seconds to make an impression on somebody do it quick be precise about your message and 29:42 make sure that you fit everything that you want to within those first five to seven seconds we can upload new ads down 29:48 the road right we can continue to run different ads and different ads but the most important thing here is that 29:55 YouTube is the second biggest search engine and it's the second second biggest social media type platform on 30:01 the planet so if you are not using YouTube to expose your candidate during this election season where virtually 30:07 everybody goes to look at reviews look at things like um you know weird cat 30:13 videos like Andy um there is a really good opportunity to be able to display 30:19 advertisements to those constituents in that voting district that your candidate is running in um and then I only have a 30:26 couple more Technologies here folks the next one is demand gen now a lot of folks know this as Google Discovery 30:33 right so this is basically the exact same thing Google does the same stuff but they named it something differently 30:38 they put it in a different little package so this is going to cover all of the Google sponsored 30:45 sites the YouTube homepage the Gmail promotions tab it's going to be all over 30:50 um the Google Discovery feed as well as any other websites that Google owns this 30:55 will all also be based on consumer Behavior geographic location relevancy 31:01 to the content all of the above right truly putting this message in front of the people that have the highest 31:07 probability of voting for your candidate okay um and then finally I already did 31:16 social media followup and then finally is lead match now lead match works the 31:22 exact same way that it does in our regular platform with a political Power Platform okay now this technology is not 31:30 only identifying matches people that are directly coming to the website from the 31:36 mail piece itself which is what this platform was built for right but it's also identifying Anonymous website 31:42 visitors people in your voting district that are opening up themselves to the 31:49 exposure of your political candidate they're getting an idea of the policy and what your candidate is all about and 31:56 here is where very statistically these people are either coming from or going 32:02 to one of the political candidates competitors one of the other candidates in the race so in the event where we 32:10 have any ability to identify an individual that is on our website anonymously whether they're looking to 32:17 donate whether they're looking to be a part of our campaign or whether they're just like I said a few minutes ago 32:23 window shopping and they're just looking at some quick policy ideas it is vastly 32:28 important to be able to isolate those people and get back in front of them with relevant engaging content that is 32:36 involving what they're looking at on your political candidates website so we can then get an understanding of of 32:43 course the temperature in the room right some people might be on this issue some people might be on that issue but if 32:49 you're a political candidate has 10,000 people coming to their website and 9,800 32:55 of those people are going to you know the just as an example the immigration page 33:00 on your candidate's website that is going to be a big great understanding of 33:06 what the hottest policy ideas are that they might want to talk about right so get into your lead match report 33:13 understand what's going on on your website and get back in front of those people that are showing interest in your 33:18 candidates using this Direct Mail retargeting feature thank you very much everybody I'll turn it back over to Mo 33:25 thank you Jason so all these Technologies are phenomenal for enhancing a political 33:32 mail campaign but you know there's something that I just have to speak about because the struggle for voter retention is real and what I mean by 33:39 that is that there is going to be so much political ad spending going on 33:45 everybody is buying for the same eyeballs for the same perspective voters attention and it's going to be overly 33:52 saturated during this time campaign spending is going to be increasing while performance is decreasing because it's 33:57 all going to be buying for that exact same ad space and that exact same ad spend so if you want to Mainline right 34:04 into the prospective voter and into their devices we do have a technology called addressable Geo and this is a 34:10 phenomenal way to just get right in there and get into the devices of those perspective voters and what we have an 34:15 opportunity to do here is upload a mailing list we get a 90% or higher match rate to that mailing list and we 34:21 identify every single device that is known to be within a virtual boundary 34:26 that you're mailing to to so in a political mail campaign that virtual boundary is going to be the household 34:32 now this is not IP based targeting there are over 54 billion different data 34:38 points being digested and analyzed on a daily basis so that we can specifically identify every device that is within 34:45 that household that you are going to be mailing to and we can serve up ads to every single device in that household so 34:51 that's a great way um to get right in there to that prospective voter and and not be competing or bidding for all that 34:58 ad space through all the Google Network or through meta um and all those platforms that are going to be overly 35:05 saturated now additionally if you don't have a mailing list and you want to 35:10 display ads to devices we can curate a list and we can display ads to People 35:15 based on their political AFF affiliation you know Republican Democrat um and you 35:20 can layer on additional demographics we have up to over almost 3,500 different 35:25 targeting options and we can display to those households we also have uh offline conversion reporting for each of these 35:32 technologies that Jason went over today we do have reporting dashware that's going to show number of people are reaching Impressions click the rate a 35:39 lot of additional data you can export reports in there for the addressable Geo we're going to be able to see online 35:45 conversions at the zip plus 4 level and we can also draw an offline conversion zone so draw a conversion Zone at the 35:51 voting precin when somebody that received the dark mail piece and the ads walks in there it's going to Ping their device and then we're going to be be 35:57 able to show an offline conversion now you're not of course going to know how they voted but you know that they voted 36:05 and that they showed up on on voting day um so um somebody is asking if the tech 36:13 isn't IP address then what tracking method is used to get the devices within a household so there's GPS tracking on 36:20 the devices also there's tons of other different advertising out there like mobile app downloads um the PK kits when 36:28 somebody is downloading an app on their device and they're filling out all their information also all of these big 36:34 advertising uh platforms out there know specifically where devices are at certain times because they're buying for 36:39 that bid space and we have the opportunity to tap into where these devices are located at different time 36:45 frames and there's a lot of different nuances in there like I said it's 54 billion different data points so if you 36:50 want me to give you a little bit more intricate level data on that just shoot me an email and I can send you over some more 36:56 data I always like to explain it the the Geo the the addressable Geo as with Geo 37:03 targeting we're putting a pin in a dip code and we're drawing a circle around it and that Circle might be a quarter of 37:09 a mile it might be a half a mile around and we're trying to identify all of the devices inside of that large Circle when 37:16 we do the addressable Geo technology we're putting a pin on an individual household and the circle that we draw 37:21 around it is only 100 feet around it's 200 feet around so we're trying to microt Target devices in side of microt 37:28 targeted geofence areas sure hi I'm Andy my 37:36 turn hey Andy anybody that has ever done a training or a presentation with me um 37:43 knows that I really like to double down and make sure that people 37:48 understand the importance of the visualization of of a male 37:54 piece male has a an astronomical rate even if your action with that piece of 38:00 mail is to throw it away almost immediately you have to touch that piece of mail to be able to do 38:06 that the cognitive effort that it takes to memorize something on a piece of mail 38:12 is 20 to 30% less than anything digital so you can memorize logos and brand 38:18 names and calls to actions and messages basically in the amount of time that it takes you to throw something away and I 38:24 want to use all of our Technologies and everything that we have as often as possible to capitalize on that 38:30 memorization that's where these email delivery notifications come in handy 38:36 really really well if you're sending out a a concentrated message to somebody if 38:42 you're sending out an email campaign the open rates the click-through rates all have so many different variables about 38:48 them but if you can hone in on something if you can remind them of something that 38:53 they got to see and touch and feel and smell and their actual ual hands at some point you're going to have a better 39:00 reaction to those things so we can now offer uh an email platform You're Now 39:06 full transparency the the the list that you provide to us will have to have those emails included on to them we we 39:13 can't just send these out mask we're going to have to have the emails included on the list but we can set it 39:18 up to arrive a day before and a day after the actual mail piece arrives or 39:25 either or you can check either or or or both but it's basically going to say look for this in your mail tomorrow this 39:31 should be arriving you can recreate that mail piece let them know that they can be expecting it you can do it in the 39:37 reverse um this should have arrived in your mail yesterday do you have any 39:42 questions that we can answer about this click the link below this is a chance for people to react to your message 39:48 almost immediately and it creates a lot of of Buzz around the mail piece might 39:54 get them to actually re-engage and double check and look at mail piece again and and digest the information a 40:00 little bit uh we have a standard template that we actually recommend that you use this is kind of tried and tested 40:06 and this is why it took so long to kind of launch this program that this template this platform that we recommend 40:13 is very very useful but we do have custom uh customization available as 40:19 well digital only is a really important 40:24 tool everything that Jason just went through and Morgan just went through about all of our Technologies we can 40:32 deploy on a digital only aspect now that doesn't mean that the mail isn't going 40:38 to be important uh you know I just spent two minutes talking about how important the mail actually is but not all of your 40:46 candidates are going to have the budget to be able to do a a a giant mail campaign maybe you're working with a 40:53 down ballot candidate that doesn't have um the funding maybe you're working with an independent that doesn't have the 40:59 advantage of taking um part of some of the pack spending and they're going to be self-funding we can deliver the exact 41:07 same style of a campaign that we've just been describing to you on a digital level one of the ways that I think using 41:16 digital only especially in a political job setup is um is to potentially ride 41:23 before and after the actual mail piece so if your candidate it has a list of 20,000 that that's their budget they can 41:30 afford to print and mail 20,000 the cost of the the credits the 41:36 cost of deploying our Technologies is vastly less expensive than the the mail 41:41 and the postage is going to be so if you can leverage a digital only campaign in 41:47 April then you actually mail in May and you can follow up with another digital only campaign in in May you can make 41:56 sure or in June you can can actually make sure that you're streamlining you can get consistent messages you can have 42:02 digital displays going out the entire time you can capitalize on the mail and you can make sure that you're getting 42:08 really valuable digital assets out for your candidates in an environment where 42:13 they may not have been able to afford that 42:20 previously I love cross sale opportunities um 42:26 guys every single client that you have is a 42:31 potential client of something else that you are doing okay um I'm largely 42:37 talking to print industry professionals right now in my opinion every single person 42:44 that you install a sign on the front of their building every person that you've printed business cards if they have a 42:51 business that can benefit from doing a mail campaign then you should be talking 42:56 to them about doing a mail campaign one of the huge opportunities that are 43:01 coming down the line right now um I I've talked to some of you here recently on 43:07 calls when uh you know hey what's going on in your mail landscape I'm just crazy 43:12 inundated with yard signs right now I'm doing thousands and thousands and thousands of yard signs for people all 43:18 over the place do those candidates need a mail campaign do they need a QR code 43:24 what other opportunities are they leveraging what other marketing efforts are they leveraging to try and get 43:31 people to vote for them you've got an opening statement right there you know maybe you haven't done their direct mail 43:37 maybe they're doing it across town with one of your competitors but if they're doing it and they can leverage some of 43:44 the additional technologies that you can provide you've already got a foot in the door you've done work for them 43:49 successfully you've gained trust maybe you've done some of the creative for their signs and they like the style they 43:55 like the way you're going to work work that's a really really easy Leap Frog into getting some of their direct mail 44:02 business door hangers yard signs uh the the little things that you'd put on 44:09 people's windshields and parking lots all of those different print mediums can 44:14 be integrated with one or multiple technologies that we support in our 44:19 [Music] dashboard this is not something that is 44:25 exclusive to dm2 this is something that is a problem often times for political 44:33 candidates with any kind of digital vendor that they're going to use um 44:38 there are imagery and content restrictions okay 44:46 um Google Display Network social media just about any social media platform is 44:52 going to restrict just about anything that even has a mention of of a lot of 44:57 these issues right here you know just saying second amendments or 2A can get an ad flagged it can get it taken down 45:05 um anything with um with cannabis or THC is going to get at least flagged 45:11 definitely no reproduction rights um and mudslinging is a huge deal uh Google 45:17 especially will yo down ads almost immediately if they can sniff out a little bit of mudslinging in there so be 45:23 really really careful about the content that you're going to give us for the cre there are very different rules on what 45:29 you can mail to somebody versus what you can get displayed digitally 45:35 um we do have a little bit more leniency with the target match job that that a 45:42 lot of you have been uh experimenting here with with the addressable Geo functions the addressable Geo campaigns 45:49 actually do not use the Google display networks they use the other display networks there's 350 some of them those 45:56 are display networks are a little bit more um loose when we're talking about things like that so we've got an 46:03 opportunity if that is a hard line that we're going to take but let's let's focus on having you know good strong 46:09 content to the 46:19 point I've got two case studies to share with you here this one this gentleman 46:24 actually won his his election he Ma nailed 94,500 pieces and he got a substantial 46:31 increase he got a 6.72 uh 46:36 percentage times percentage increase in Impressions over a traditional Direct Mail campaign he won with 58% of the 46:44 votes and one of the main thing that he attributes to it is simply integrating these Technologies into his campaign he 46:51 was mailing to absentee ballots um he had a significant bump in website 46:57 traffic and they weren't running any other digital campaigns the only digital ads that they were running were through 47:03 the direct mail 2.0 in the political PowerUp aspect and the the end candidate 47:09 directly attributes the work that was done through this campaign through this particular job to the fact that he was 47:16 able to win this campaign the second case study that I'm going to show you here actually leveraged what I was 47:24 talking about just a little bit ago they may mailed in quotation marks about 630,000 47:30 pieces over three mailings but they only actually did one physical mail piece 47:38 they started with a huge digital only campaign it was about 250,000 they collected almost third over 47:46 35,000 addresses through the lead match technology now we filtered that down and 47:51 made sure that we got the ones that were in the district that they were running to and they actually included those 47:57 addresses in the physical mail pieces that they sent out for the second run 48:03 and then they ran it again for a third month like right right after the debate 48:08 the candidate got some TV time they immediately dropped a third digital only 48:13 right after the debates for this particular candidate and they saw a substantial increase in the traffic to 48:20 the website almost immediately into campaign donations it was a super super 48:25 successful campaign and we've got tons and tons of digital assets displayed for 48:31 them now along with political campaigns is 48:37 going to come a major major objection that your clients are going to give to 48:44 you and your prospects are going to give to you is I don't have time for that Ben asked this question in the chat just a 48:49 little bit ago um about redlining and and and getting things out a lot of times when I talk to my 48:57 partners about their political candidates they tell me they simply don't have time to present dm2 as an 49:04 option because that mail had to go out yesterday I've got my demographics the debate is tomorrow I need to talk about 49:11 this subject you need to get these things out immediately okay so the the 49:18 first and the first mailing the the initial piece that we're going to be sending out when we're creating the 49:24 relationship and we're getting these things out the first time that is the longest portion of what we're going to 49:30 need to be doing and we can combat that by completing some of the steps well 49:36 before the piece of mail is actually going to go out we need to get those Facebook permissions approved and and we 49:42 need to get um there's a few extra steps that we're going to need to take to get 49:48 Facebook approved we need to get codes placed so we can start doing these 49:53 things almost immediately as we open up the conversation so then by the time it's ready to drop and it had to drop 50:00 yesterday we're already in a position to succeed okay for subsequent mailers that are going to go out later if we've got 50:06 the same objection let's get them out you know if we don't get to start running the digital ads for two to three 50:12 days after the mail piece has actually been mailed we haven't lost a whole lot 50:17 of time and we can still hit the ground running um we worst case scenario we 50:22 can't get informed delivery um included onto the Campaign which isn't always 50:28 going to be that big of a deal that has a little bit more time restrictions um 50:33 but we can actually if the assets are collected if the list is ready to go we 50:38 can upload a job today and have displays running for it as early as tomorrow so 50:45 if we can communicate if we can prepare if we can make sure that things are done as quickly as possible and prepare for 50:52 that time frame to come there's no reason why we can't get these things delivered on something that even needs 50:57 to go tomorrow yeah and and I think that the point is is that these these political 51:04 advertisers these mailers they're sending multiple drops I mean once you get the Cod place and the Facebook 51:09 permissions done and their Facebook account authenticated it's done like you only have to do it one time so once 51:14 that's done you can roll this technology out on every single subsequent drop that they have now to mention the fact that I 51:21 think sometimes we just look at this platform and we're like well ads always start on the mail date but we can start 51:27 the ads you know three four a week after the mail drops now is it ideal no we 51:32 like to start the ads on the mail date but if you have to start them a couple days after the mail date it's not the 51:37 end of the world so I think maybe just don't you know fit yourself into a little box and feel like gosh if I just 51:43 can't get this all done or get too stressed out and think that we don't have an opportunity here because it goes 51:48 too fast because we do and I think that that's maybe an objection that you tell yourself because political male season 51:55 is a very stressful time for you and your clients but you know if you just think outside the box a little bit and 52:01 think well this really can be managed and it can be accomplished and just know that it doesn't necessarily need to fit 52:07 within that square we can start ads a couple days after or once it's done the first time it's done and you don't have 52:13 to do it again and just to kind of piggyback on what Andy was saying about digital only 52:19 a few minutes ago folks if you have a digital like a minimum service digital only job running throughout the whole 52:25 entire election season and then your client your candidate comes to you and they say I need a mailing out the door 52:31 tomorrow then you already have a job running you upload new ads you upload the list and we're ready to go we have 52:37 everything fully operational already so be prepared for these but when it comes 52:42 down to it folks the work that you have to do to actually produce ink on paper for these jobs is far more difficult and 52:52 more time consuming than it will take you to initialize one of these jobs to start running tomorrow so don't put as 52:58 much weight on that um and and just get it done because it's going to get your client additional votes your candidate 53:05 additional votes speaking of time sensitivity I'm up against the clock here we got to wrap 53:12 up um this is a huge step um there are additional steps that we need to take to 53:18 run uh political campaigns anything political not just for a candidate even if it's for an issue we have to prove to 53:25 social Med media to meta that this is a real person it makes it so that Andy can't just run political ads and and put 53:33 my own agenda on things so there is an actual verification your candidate or the person that's running a campaign for 53:40 an issue has to actually submit some additional paperwork whether it be a driver's license some sort of an 53:46 identification it has to come through the mail it can take a couple of days so again let's get these things the process 53:52 started as soon as possible because we need a multiactor authentification 53:57 um we also need to get some disclaimers up and running we need to make sure that 54:03 the ads are running on behalf of the proper person so we need to get access to the Facebook business page we need to 54:10 make sure that we are fully transparent on who's paying for these things how 54:15 what businesses these things are are coming from so there are some disclaimers that are going to need to be created we're more than happy to help 54:22 you with anything that you have you know we've got a great support team so if there's some additional steps that need 54:27 to be done I've we've got documentation on the the proper steps that need to be 54:33 taken both on your client's end and your end it we want to make it as seamless as 54:38 possible for everyone involved uh the last thing I want to talk about 54:44 is the deliver thewin website the deliver thee win.com website is a us 54:50 it's a USPS website and they are providing some really great resources and services that are designed to help 54:57 your campaign stand out um they have articles and insights they have a ton of 55:02 things they have a they have an informed delivery like sitemap that's interactive so you can see how many people are 55:08 actually signed up for and engaging with their informed delivery they've got great stats on on mail and response 55:16 rates and why mail is going to be so important in your uh your political campaigns here so use deliver thee 55:22 win.com as a resource for you and your candidates it's it's really really helpful 55:29 that's all I got thanks Andy so I just wanted to thank everybody for spending a 55:34 little bit of time with us today um this was a good overview I mean we're geared up and ready for political meal season 55:40 we always want to try to find ways that we can add value to your business help you grow add more revenue and of course 55:46 add value to your client Direct Mail campaigns um if you are not familiar with Direct Mail 2.0 you want to learn a 55:51 little bit more about us there's a QR code up there scan there have any questions just email sales dm.com we'll 55:58 get back with you on it um got a question here uh if we're running ads on 56:04 behalf of school districts who are promoting Bond measures for instance instead of individual candidates do we 56:10 need to do the additional Facebook authentication you just mentioned um I'll have to look into that 56:17 Cassie I would say that if it's a political uh stance or or something to 56:22 that effect probably um this I think so I have a su if it's like if they're 56:28 encouraging somebody to vote Yes on issue two or something like that we need to verify where that's coming from yeah 56:34 I would say Cassie just be prepared to have to go through that process and start the process like relatively soon 56:42 if you're planning on marketing for something that has any kind of issues that are up on your on your ballot your 56:47 local ballots this this upcoming election yeah I I would have to say I'm about 99% sure probably will'll need to 56:54 do it um Ron also was asking if we had a political PowerUp campaign launch guide 57:00 we do it's in the resource center I just put it in the chat there for anybody that wants to take a look at that if you 57:05 have any questions let us know anybody that is not familiar with their launch guides and see it's about 14 pages don't 57:11 be scared about eight of them are how for your client to add a Facebook Advertiser and I would never just send 57:19 this to a customer you know have a sales rep review it with them or just ask the 57:24 client questions and fill this out for them you know or with them so but thank you guys for spending some time with us 57:31 today I mean like I said we're excited and geared up for political mail season so if we can help uh add value please 57:37 let us know if you have any additional questions about political PowerUp or just strill 2.0 in general please reach 57:42 out we hope you all have a great rest of your day thanks

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