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Meet the Mailers: Reinventing Print and Mail

Posted Sep 09, 2024 | Views 120
# Direct Mail
# Printing
# Print

In this episode, Paul Bobnak talked with Paul Hudson, Owner & CEO of Hudson Printing. Based in Salt Lake City, UT, Hudson Printing is recognized for innovation in print production, web-to-print solutions, data-driven print fulfillment, and ecommerce.

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0:00 [Music] 0:03 welcome to meet the mailers I'm Paul 0:05 bobn for who's mailing what a direct 0:08 mail 2.0 company and today I'm talking 0:10 with Paul Hudson he is the owner and CEO 0:14 of Hudson printing in Salt Lake City 0:16 Utah and before we get started if you 0:18 have any questions or feedback please 0:20 comment below you can show your support 0:23 by tapping the like button and to get 0:26 notified of when we add new videos to 0:28 the who's mingw Channel click on 0:31 subscribe now let's meet the mailers hi 0:34 Paul welcome hey Paul it's a it's a 0:38 pleasure thank you for having me you're 0:41 welcome I I really appreciate you being 0:42 here today so let's get started by 0:45 talking about your background uh you 0:47 know uh looking at the website C Hudson 0:49 printing has been around since 0:51 1909 with uh four ownership 0:54 changes but about you how did you get 0:57 started in the world of print and Mark 1:00 today and what does your what does your 1:02 role entail today well my my father got 1:05 involved as a young man into this 1:07 business and eventually bought that 1:09 business and uh my father was a strong 1:12 believer in childhood labor so I got 1:14 introduced to the print uh shop very ear 1:17 at a very early age and so i' kind of 1:20 always been around Printing and and then 1:23 uh my degreees actually in accounting 1:25 and went off into public accounting for 1:27 a little while uh until and I wasn't 1:30 sure I actually wanted to be part of the 1:31 family business uh but uh my brother who 1:35 was uh running the business at that time 1:37 uh called me and said hey come on back 1:39 and be my partner and so uh in 1:42 1992 is when I came back partnered with 1:45 my brother uh and then we ran the 1:47 business for 20 years until I bought his 1:50 half of the business in 2012 1:53 okay and uh basically what is your job 1:56 like Ina dayto day uh oh boy I would 2:01 love somebody to help me understand that 2:04 or chart yeah start obviously uh we're 2:08 um you know we're just we're trying to 2:09 run this business and on and I feel like 2:12 actually um uh rather than just be sort 2:16 of a a producer a manufacturer I feel 2:18 like for the first time ever perhaps 2:20 we're building a brand actually we're 2:22 really trying to to help um Hudson 2:25 become uh something that that uh speaks 2:28 for 2:29 as more than just simply Inc on paper 2:32 but you know ability to to provide 2:34 services and provide value to our 2:36 customers uh in ways that are still 2:38 important 2:40 today right so for those who aren't 2:43 familiar with uh you know familiar with 2:45 Hudson can you like give a brief rundown 2:47 of your services uh printing mailing Etc 2:51 yeah so we're in salake City uh which is 2:54 a great location uh to service the 2:56 Western half of the US uh and we 2:58 certainly do National things as as well 3:00 particularly as it involves male but uh 3:03 but for most of our existence we've been 3:07 kind of in The Inter Mountain region and 3:09 we have easy and and really nice uh 3:11 Freight Lanes into the coast so it's uh 3:14 you know a two-day service essentially 3:15 throughout this the entire half of the 3:18 country so it's a nice place to be uh 3:21 and uh we we've we've really grown up in 3:25 recent time as a web offset printer so 3:28 uh as uh we really it's magazines and 3:31 cataloges and you know mailing a lot of 3:33 flats and that kind of thing um and 3:36 marketing pieces of all types we're 3:38 really commercial printers uh and then 3:41 over the last uh decade or so a little 3:44 bit more we've really focused on also 3:46 building a a very Dynamic uh digital 3:49 print business that 3:52 is complimentary to our traditional 3:55 business we still operate and run our 3:58 web offset 4:00 business uh but are 4:02 also focused very heavily on lots of the 4:06 new 4:08 tricks yep and as far as Direct Mail 4:10 goes you print in mail all kinds of 4:13 formats as well as uh have marketing and 4:17 campaigning campaign planning and things 4:19 like that uh we yeah we do do a lot of 4:22 mailing it's sort of interesting though 4:24 if you ask the USBs we look kind of 4:25 small to 4:26 them actually it's because as for most 4:30 of us right you know that are 4:32 manufacturing uh we we mail generally 4:36 under uh our customers permits for a lot 4:39 of reasons and uh so um you know we're 4:42 we're we're mailing um usually just a 4:46 little shy of 100 million pieces a year 4:48 so we're not the biggest Mailer in the 4:49 world but it it crosses lots of 4:51 boundaries it certainly is a lot of 4:53 flats uh again from that web offset 4:55 magazine catalog type production uh but 4:58 also a lot of postcards a lot of folded 5:00 mailers um you know of that that type so 5:04 yes um yeah it's it's is uh quite a 5:08 quite a variety of forms and factors um 5:10 and different elements to it gotcha well 5:14 I'd like to start uh talking about a 5:16 slogan I saw on your 5:18 website uh reinvent print right yeah um 5:24 talking about that what what does that 5:25 mean for you know in general uh what 5:29 about male 5:30 or what about print needs to be 5:31 reinvented uh you know you talk about 5:33 how it's overdue why you know why is 5:37 that well thank you for asking actually 5:39 I love that question uh because uh 5:41 honestly reinvent print it it almost 5:43 sounds like we're kind of in the 5:44 background you know with our chemistry 5:46 degrees working on new ink or new 5:49 blankets or new you know Technologies to 5:51 put ink on paper and it really isn't 5:53 that at all obviously uh in my mind what 5:56 that really means is is how do we re 5:59 invent the value of print for our 6:01 customers how do we make uh our uh what 6:04 we're sending what we're producing for 6:06 our customers work better um I we 6:09 um um I I have a brilliant marketing 6:13 friend who in the past uh talked to me 6:16 um you know about about an old um case 6:20 study that you know McDonald's Had 6:22 commissioned about you know uh why 6:26 people McDonald's was wondering why 6:27 their customers buy milkshakes in the 6:28 morning and so uh they went and they did 6:31 you know they did famously did a Harvard 6:34 you know um you know very wellknown 6:38 um uh marketing review of that and what 6:42 they found is that the people were 6:44 actually hiring that milkshake to do a 6:46 job for their lives and my marketing 6:48 brand said hey you know what the same 6:50 thing's happening somebody's buying that 6:51 print in order to achieve a result 6:54 they're buying that print to go out and 6:56 and and do a job in the world and so 6:59 ever since then I've kind of called that 7:00 my my milkshake exercises I try to 7:03 understand why it was that somebody 7:04 bought that piece of print what were 7:05 they wanting it to do in the world and 7:07 our job then is to how to how to make 7:09 that work better what what tricks or 7:12 tools or new equipment or ideas uh can I 7:15 bring that helps it do better I I'm I'm 7:18 often telling my people here like you're 7:20 not in the business of producing print 7:21 you're in the business of selling cars 7:23 and and filling you know filling theater 7:26 seats and and you know help helping 7:28 people have a place to journal their 7:30 thoughts and all those kinds of things 7:32 so anything that we can do that helps 7:35 our uh um our customers achieve that 7:38 goal better that's Reinventing print and 7:41 print has all kinds of new and fun 7:44 Technologies and tools uh in order to do 7:47 that and and I find that most of our 7:49 customers don't understand it they don't 7:51 know that they don't you know understand 7:53 the power of personalization they don't 7:55 necessarily know what new embellishment 7:58 capabilities are exist or what expanded 8:01 expanded gamut printing might look like 8:03 or whatever we we have so many um 8:06 opportunities and tools and cool things 8:08 that we can do it's our job to reinvent 8:11 print for our customers uh by helping 8:14 take those tools to them to the end of 8:18 making the the purpose for which they 8:21 bought that piece of print work even 8:23 better than they might have thought of 8:25 on their own yeah uh that certainly 8:28 makes sense and I 8:30 I've seen a lot of that myself is that 8:32 uh uh the capabilities that exist today 8:36 are 8:37 amazing uh number one and also that they 8:41 are uh less expensive and more 8:43 affordable uh and more WID spread than 8:46 they've ever been but getting a lot of 8:49 marketers to really understand that 8:51 they're out there and to buy in that 8:53 they should you know at the very least 8:55 test it and and see if that works for 8:57 their campaigns it's uh it's it's 9:00 difficult you know even well we'll we'll 9:02 talk a little bit more about it can be 9:04 hard to do but but what we seek to be is 9:07 the leaders of valuable print right and 9:09 that might mean that there's a little 9:11 less print right if we can produce uh a 9:15 better result for our customers even if 9:17 there's a little bit less print well 9:18 that's fine by us we what what we want 9:21 to be is the leaders and valuable print 9:22 the leaders in print that actually 9:25 achieves those you know any the 9:27 particular result that they're seeking 9:29 better than any other 9:31 method you know I'm thinking about like 9:33 uh some of the uh you know interviews 9:36 you talked about uh the land of press 9:39 that you know you've you've brought into 9:41 uh brought into the company and how it 9:43 makes long runs easier and they're more 9:46 impactful uh you know I love always love 9:48 talking about data and using data better 9:51 uh make it more impactful uh and how 9:54 that really should be guiding a lot more 9:55 about what's going on in direct mail 9:57 today so how does you know how does that 10:00 work with uh bdp in driving that 10:04 value um so 10:06 so it um it certainly does right and 10:12 there uh the reason I'm stumbling is 10:14 there's there's several kind of veins on 10:15 this because you you talked about land a 10:17 little bit and and just bdp which 10:19 obviously doesn't require land there are 10:20 many ways to produce that and there's no 10:23 question that um that we should be 10:26 utilizing data um in the very most 10:29 effective way we can um I so when we 10:32 started this digital print Journey back 10:34 in 10:36 2012 um I I I developed a really simple 10:39 vend diagram which I I can't show you 10:41 because I just have my hands but this 10:43 very simple ven diagram uh has been 10:46 guiding the principal or been guiding 10:48 our investment decisions for you know 10:50 more than a decade now and essentially 10:52 the first circle is just print so we're 10:54 printers that's our craft anything we 10:55 can do that beautiful with better 10:58 textures better delivery more emotional 11:01 then that's what we should be doing 11:02 right that's where we should focus we're 11:04 printers second is where does 11:06 data any place where those two Circles 11:09 of data and print intersect makes it 11:11 more valuable uh and so we should 11:14 absolutely be integrating that in many 11:17 different ways and whether that's full 11:18 personalization or or um just 11:22 regionalization or or having you know 11:25 making it easier to do versioning you 11:27 know for the marketers that we're 11:29 serving great but that should be part of 11:31 the conversation all the time and then 11:33 just to finish the thought the third 11:34 circle is actually uh digital not 11:36 digital print the digital world so any 11:39 place where our print is interacting 11:41 with the digital world uh the most 11:43 obvious and easy example of that being a 11:45 QR code fantastic right it so uh any 11:49 place where print and digital interact 11:50 that increas increases the value any 11:52 place where print and data interact 11:54 increases the value any places where all 11:56 three circles interact that's what we 11:58 want to do and in my mind that is what 12:00 reinvent print is going back to your 12:02 prior question anywhere that we can 12:04 create that more valuable print which in 12:06 my mind is the intersection of those 12:08 three things uh that's that's what we 12:10 want to be 12:12 about well I also want to bring into the 12:14 discussion uh sustainable mail um 12:17 because again that's something that's 12:18 all over the website uh and what's 12:22 what's the story behind it what is it to 12:24 begin with and uh is this part of what 12:27 you know Reinventing uh print is about 12:31 yeah so I'm I'm GNA start by because you 12:33 had asked about Landon the prior 12:34 question so I'm gon start with that um 12:37 because uh the way that that um this 12:40 interacts or the way this story started 12:43 uh about sustainable mail and sustainabl 12:45 mail.com so anybody can go and look at 12:48 that we've just recently launched it uh 12:50 it's taken us a little while to get it 12:51 up and 12:52 going but the concept is um that um we 12:57 believe so I person personally uh 13:00 sustainability is very important to me 13:01 personally and uh and so I've been 13:03 working with the with um um influencing 13:08 what I can inside the business in my 13:09 personal life you know to kind of real 13:12 to align with those values and um so uh 13:18 I we were asked to produce a 13:21 piece some months ago uh for a paper 13:26 mill in Canada who was doing some 13:28 incredible work in 13:29 sustainability and uh and they were 13:32 producing a 100% recycled um uncoated 13:35 paper that printed beautifully and I 13:37 said you you got to let me do this on 13:38 the land press because the the land 13:41 produces really beautiful because of it 13:43 technology produces really beautiful 13:45 work unco paper and so I said you've got 13:48 to let me do that and so we produced 13:50 this actually I grabbed and H have that 13:52 piece here explains how the the the 13:56 paper mill uh their energy is 9 % um 14:00 biogas which is captured methane from a 14:02 local landfill and this is this brochure 14:05 kind of tells the story of 14:08 that and so I said you've got to let me 14:10 produce this piece on the uh on the 14:13 landess and because one the Landa 14:16 produces incredible uh incredibly 14:18 beautiful work on on COD of paper like I 14:19 was saying but also has uh quite a nice 14:23 environmental story because the inks not 14:25 only are they water-based and and use no 14:27 harmful chemicals but they're also very 14:29 friendly in the recycling stream and 14:31 because of the nanotechnology the the 14:33 ink is very very thin so there's a very 14:35 small amount of ink and so uh combining 14:39 those two things with the fact that um 14:42 uh we actually buy that paper as carbon 14:45 neutral and we actually have become a 14:48 carbon balance printer uh ourselves uh 14:51 so we they're um uh through the world 14:54 land trust we're the first in North 14:56 America to do that where we fully 14:57 balance all of our emissions and so uh 15:00 we produced this piece and out of that 15:03 uh it just occurred to me this is 15:04 amazing this paper is 100% recycled it's 15:07 FSC um compatible it's you know it's all 15:10 the things you know all the different 15:12 logos you he certifications right yeah 15:14 yeah plus plus the ink Story the land 15:17 story and then the carbon balancing 15:19 story and I thought this is remarkable 15:21 uh and and I thought maybe there's an 15:24 opportunity in the market to do 15:25 something that is different uh that 15:29 truly focuses on it and uh and so um uh 15:34 that that's that's what sustainable Mel 15:36 is all about and and honestly uh we're 15:39 trying to do a few things one I just 15:41 explained a lot of the sustainability 15:43 story to it um but two uh we have really 15:46 strong automation technology so we can 15:48 we can produce ma very fast uh three I 15:52 already explained um the way the the 15:54 Atlant press uh prints so beautifully 15:56 the Lanta technology prints so 15:57 beautifully on uncoded paper so it's 16:00 also beautiful so it's sustainable fast 16:02 and beautiful and then uh honestly we 16:04 can make it affordable uh I I don't like 16:07 um environmental things that are very 16:09 Boutique and you know it's three times 16:12 the you know the cost or something so 16:15 our goal is to be able to do the most 16:18 sustainable uh solution for printing 16:20 Direct Mail uh and you know from the 16:24 sourcing and ink type and the carbon 16:26 balancing and then get it make it 16:29 beautiful and put it in the mail in a 16:30 hurry and and don't charge so much more 16:32 don't you know don't don't make it so 16:34 expensive that's our goal is sustainable 16:36 mail um and uh and I think it's a pretty 16:39 compelling story U it is and and I think 16:44 it also provides a um an alternative for 16:49 people so uh you know most of the time 16:52 if you if if you go to a online mailing 16:54 site or you know place where you can get 16:56 some postcards in the mail or something 16:57 you might have an option to do 16:59 you know 10% or even 30% recycled paper 17:02 or something but that's usually kind of 17:03 where it ends and our goal here was no 17:07 this is the product we sell like you 17:08 can't buy our product noncarbon balanced 17:11 like you can't buy our product not on 17:13 you know the we we will probably add 17:16 some additional paper types uh we 17:18 started with this one that has this 17:20 lovely story but uh we'll probably add 17:22 some others but you won't be able to buy 17:24 a non you know 100% recycled paper for 17:27 example in this case uh very 17:29 or something that we you know we're 17:31 going to feel good about it from the 17:32 sustainability story so so that's really 17:35 what it's about 17:37 um yeah well excited about it oh 17:40 absolutely yeah no 17:42 um that's what you guys are doing but 17:44 you know thinking about uh other mail 17:47 owners printers Brands uh what what do 17:50 you think that they can be doing 17:52 proactively to uh to you know bring or 17:56 strengthen like a sustainable or carbon 17:58 Nutri 18:00 uh print ecosystem and and make that 18:02 more of a 18:03 reality uh we we have to uh we all have 18:07 to and uh I I think that it starts with 18:11 just recognition uh you know we we work 18:14 in a resource intensive industry and it 18:18 it's not it doesn't do any of us any 18:19 favors our customers ourselves our the 18:22 marketing people working for if we don't 18:24 acknowledge that so I think the first 18:26 thing we do is just we acknowledge that 18:28 it is a res int intensive industry and 18:30 then we make good choices after after 18:33 that you know we look for you know FSC 18:36 or PFC or SFI certified paper we we we 18:40 work on um our own waste profiles we 18:44 consider our carbon footprint you know 18:47 all of those things uh we can do and we 18:50 have to do it as the industry you know 18:52 it can't be just one one or two of us we 18:54 all have to be working on it and right 18:56 honestly in North America we we're uh 19:00 we're behind what I've seen and what 19:02 I've witnessed in in Europe and I think 19:04 that printing companies who aren't 19:06 taking it 19:07 seriously um uh in in Europe are losing 19:12 business absolutely and I I I think 19:15 that's the way of the future for us as 19:17 well it will be part of it and and and 19:20 it's because brands are looking for 19:22 Solutions brands have carbon targets 19:24 that they're trying to achieve so we can 19:27 help in that um and uh you know it's 19:32 it's it's becoming more and more 19:33 important because it's important for 19:35 consumers of those Brands so then the 19:37 brands of course put pressure on the on 19:39 the manufact and their Partners right 19:41 and it also occurs to me too that you 19:43 know that besides that intrinsic value 19:46 uh it can also do be something that 19:49 engages uh younger talents and you know 19:52 the print and mail ecosystem you know to 19:56 uh to bring those kinds of solutions 19:59 into whatever part you know that they're 20:00 in whatever part of the uh the big print 20:02 ecosystem and say hey these Solutions 20:05 exist we know that Brands want them we 20:08 know that the uh customers of these 20:11 Brands want them why don't we you know 20:14 why don't we bring those Solutions in 20:16 and they're more open to that kind of 20:19 thing yeah yeah I I think we shouldn't 20:23 wait to be forced uh you know we we we 20:26 should be starting by understanding that 20:28 lower waste is better right lower 20:31 smarter choices uh around sustainable 20:34 things that are just good for all of us 20:37 um but um you know it it doesn't hurt 20:40 when our customers come and say hey what 20:42 are you doing or tell us about your you 20:44 know sustainability objectives or how 20:47 where are you on carbon do you 20:48 understandment you know all those kinds 20:50 of things uh and and um we need to not 20:54 be afraid of those because I again we 20:56 need to be making progress on them or or 20:58 it will be to our 21:00 detriment so you know besides 21:02 sustainability what kinds of uh kinds of 21:05 Trends or or thoughts do you have about 21:07 the role of direct mail uh you know 21:10 going forward like the next few years we 21:13 know that certainly postage costs are 21:16 been on the minds of uh marketers and um 21:20 marketing service providers for the last 21:22 especially this year with some of the 21:24 the large increases so what do you what 21:26 do you think there's a Trends are going 21:29 uh well what I believe is uh and I I I 21:34 sort of already hit on this when we were 21:35 talking about reinvent print and 21:37 particularly just about valuable print 21:39 generally right we have to prove our 21:41 value uh Print Works Print Works uh and 21:46 it's a it's a great fit for the modern 21:49 marketer it's a absolutely critical part 21:51 of the toolbox but we have to make it 21:54 easy right I think it's still too hard 21:57 to order print so I think we need to to 21:59 work on that uh I think that we often 22:02 have um better tools for 22:05 um integrating with our customers now 22:08 and I think we need to do more and more 22:10 of that you know whether it's helping 22:11 them kind of design campaigns it's sort 22:14 of incumbent on us to help them 22:16 understand one why and how it works and 22:19 two how do we add the things that are 22:22 print can do now but so many marketers 22:25 really don't understand that um you know 22:28 all the things you can do uh in digital 22:31 marketing you can do in print right but 22:33 we have to be smart about it we have to 22:36 uh integrate those elements we have to 22:38 work from data from the point of data um 22:41 and and that's what makes print valuable 22:44 so in my mind 22:46 um because you asked kind of about the 22:48 future how do I you know kind of see the 22:50 future and for one it's that we we have 22:54 to understand data we have to utilize 22:56 data so again that's part of one of the 22:58 circles in the vend V diagram um the 23:01 other piece of it is um that uh we have 23:05 to prove value so attribution becomes 23:08 very important and our methods are 23:10 getting better but they're still not as 23:11 good as they need to be not as good at 23:13 reporting all that as we should be we 23:15 have to prove ourselves to our customers 23:17 um and then the third piece is is again 23:19 it's just back to that V diagram is is 23:21 what can we do to make print even more 23:24 attractive and again you know you've 23:26 talked about land I mean our Our Land 23:28 press our seven color right we're 23:31 actually doing some very interesting 23:32 things with the newest version of indigo 23:34 as well which quite excited about so 23:37 print technologies that make print more 23:39 beautiful more stable more you know 23:43 quickly um produced all those things 23:46 exist um we also have introduced uh 23:49 embellishment and and um with the with 23:52 the scoic technology and introduced a a 23:56 product that that we call toppo that you 23:58 know adds textures and Contours and cool 24:00 things to print and most people don't 24:02 think at least initially uh when we were 24:06 considering how how does that apply in 24:08 our world and it's kind of easy to 24:11 understand book covers because we you 24:12 know we produce some books uh maybe a 24:15 special edition of a magazine cover you 24:17 know hey this is our 30th Anniversary 24:19 well that maybe wants you know um a nice 24:21 touch to it a nice special element to it 24:24 those things are easy to understand and 24:25 we're seeing success in that um but most 24:27 people think um mail's too too price 24:30 conscious right nobody's nobody be 24:32 willing to spend a little extra to 24:34 create a little bit more um Dynamic 24:37 element on the on pie of direct mail 24:40 we're finding that's not true we're 24:41 finding a lot of interest among our 24:42 direct mailers uh they do kind of want 24:44 to understand okay this is gonna cost me 24:47 more will there be more benefit and the 24:49 whole industry needs me needs more data 24:53 we've actually been working with uh the 24:55 fsea this foil and foil and Specialty 24:57 effects syst Association to do some 25:00 testing um and I will tell you that you 25:02 know kind of early results from one of 25:04 the tests we did uh the the embellished 25:07 versus non-mb did add lift and it added 25:10 lift in in in about 4% so it was so 25:14 these are so again I the you need more 25:17 data you need more science behind that I 25:19 think for uh but but the the the you 25:21 know story really is it did add lift um 25:24 and so um uh we we have been doing quite 25:28 a bit of testing you know with some of 25:29 our Direct Mail clients um for 25:31 embellishment so that's all kind of in 25:34 that Circle of how do we make more print 25:35 more attractive more beautiful more 25:37 textured more you know in more emotional 25:40 right when the customer and so we 25:42 believe in that too so that that's 25:44 that's that's I it's got to be more 25:46 personal it's got to be more beautiful 25:47 it's got to be more sustainable and 25:49 we've got to do it fast that's that's 25:51 that's the future I think uh that's how 25:53 we succeed in the future 25:56 awesome awesome I'm looking forward to 25:58 it well uh thank you so much again for 26:00 your time today I really appreciate that 26:03 uh how can someone reach out to you on 26:04 your team at Hudson uh to talk about 26:06 your solutions for their uh direct mail 26:09 and their print campaign needs yeah easy 26:12 to do we're Hudson printing uh so it's 26:15 just Hudson printing.com um I'm Paul 26:17 Hudson and and it's just P Hudson Hudson 26:20 printing.com please also check out 26:22 sustainabl 26:23 mail.com uh we' be excited about that 26:26 again newly launched so it's it's not 26:28 perfect yet but it's uh we're getting 26:30 there uh quite excited about that and uh 26:33 watch for additional product launches 26:34 from us in the future uh we're we're 26:37 excited about mail we love print we know 26:39 it works and uh we think that uh we have 26:42 some solutions that really are 26:44 meaningful for 26:45 marketers awesome great I'm looking 26:47 forward to seeing a lot more well uh 26:50 Paul Hudson of Hudson printing thank you 26:51 again for being here on Meet the mailers 26:54 today and thank all of you out there for 26:56 joining us today remember that questions 26:58 and feedback are welcome tap those like 27:01 And subscribe buttons and if you're 27:03 interested in being highlighted in 27:05 future meet the mailers please reach out 27:08 my contact info can be found in the 27:10 paragraph below by tapping show more and 27:14 we can talk about how we could showcase 27:16 your company your Solutions and your 27:18 thought leaderships all at the same time 27:21 thanks again for watching Meet the 27:22 mailers and see you here next time 27:25 [Music]

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