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February 19, 2024

Bringing Personalization to Print Magazines!

Bringing Personalization to Print Magazines!
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locr shares innovative ideas for personalized magazine content and advertising

Thomas Schnettler
Thomas Schnettler
Bringing Personalization to Print Magazines!

There are many different ways to bring personalization elements to magazines, resulting in unique issues providing the most relevant content for every single recipient. This article shares options for personalized content to create engaging, interesting magazines your readers will love and show to their friends! 

The Print Solutions magazine went for an issue with one of ten different individualized cover images, showing landmarks matching the recipient’s region. On the back they placed geo-personalized advertisements with personalized maps. These display multiple partner business locations and a route from the reader’s home to the closest one. This appeals to every single reader on a personal level and makes it very likely for them to respond to the ad and actually visit the shown location.

Another vivid example for geo-personalization are two German DRUCKMARKT issues from 2022. We partnered with them to add as much personalized elements as possible, and at the same time prove how easy and effortless it can be.

For the issue 137 a completely personalized cover was created. The front shows different ideas for direct mail, including personalized maps with individual locations or the route from the recipient’s home address.

In addition to these maps, the use of QR codes meant the readers could easily be connected to digital content. That could be a simple link to your website or invite the recipient to save your contact information. In this case it was used as an event invitation for the “Print & Digital Convention”. Our new locrFINDER solution would also be the perfect addition here: a customized location finder showing readers the way to an event or business location.

The following issue 139 took the idea even further: the entire magazine was produced in digital print and personalized page by page. The readers found their names on every page, personalized advertisements and even augmented reality elements. Many recipients immediately shared “their” DRUCKMARKT issues on social media and started conversations in the comment sections. Even experienced print professionals were amazed and wrote how they really enjoy the magazine. 

Find more information in our Case Study “Print Solutions” on our Dscoop profile or send me a message with all your questions right away!

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